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Why the FASTEST team in NHL hockey looks SO slow.

#nhl #hockey #nhlplayoffs

After another blowout in game 2 between the Carolina Hurricanes & New Jersey Devils. We break down how the Hurricanes have been able make the fastest team in hockey, look like they’re in quick sand. With players like Jack Hughes & Jesper Bratt, the Hurricanes have found a way to completely neutralize them through games 1 and 2.


  1. ahh hockey… based on those stop motions im all in… But … Hockey is the only game on earth that can break even Rod Serling's mind. Hockey is the 6th Dimension and never get to deep near it. Ever seen a TZ ep based on hockey? Nope! You never will. Because! (<- 1st time in history that; that writings, was ever true and broken in proper form) – I did win an argument in grade 2 based on English teachings that I was correct in the past statement- ask your professors [ side note I stopped Skynet with out ones's and zero's]

  2. The Canes have always been a fast skating team. Necas was clocked as the fastest skater while possessing the puck last season, and despite being currently injured, Svech won the speed race in the All Star event. Plus Aho, Jarvis, and our defense are incredibly fast.

  3. Another added advantage to the Canes is that their entire coaching staff (Rod the Bod, Tim Gleason AND Jeff Daniels) are ALL former players (and Hurricanes to boot) and whatever an opponent team throws at them, they've seen it before.

  4. I think it’s part of it is our inexperience they just don’t have the idea to shift their game plan

  5. Great video and explanation. Been a joy to watch this post-season as a Canes fan. But as an aside…those double-periods in the captions are killing me. They're not periods, they're not ellipses…whyyyyyyyyy

    (seriously though, great vid!)

  6. CAR came into the series with a game plan and executed flawlessly. NJ came into the series with short rest and time to adjust and it showed. Idk if NJ even has a plan B to combat this. One look at their powerplay and you get an immediate idea at how little they tend to adjust.

  7. Its always insane to me how drastically Brind'amour changed that team when he came in. The Canes are probably the most cohesive team in hockey right now, and I don’t really think its close

  8. Who are you to proclaim this is the fastest team? Where do you get these stats and speed measurements? Have any been in fastest skater competition? The Canes have. Even without Svechnikov they are faster. Do you actually think they are faster then Edmonton? Before stating an opinion that you claim to be fact, prove it.

  9. As a Devils fan, this is a great video. The first two games seemed almost boring, compared to the Rangers series, because of how much they were able to slow us down. Almost like watching the trap think a big problem too is the adjustment like you said, they hyper-tuned their game to the rangers after going down 0-2 and now have to unlearn that and tune to the canes.

  10. Of course, going up 2-0 against the Devils (or any other team for that matter) doesn't guarantee anything. In playoff hockey, there are never any guarantees until you get that fourth win of the series.

    Still, as someone who is rooting for Carolina in this series, I would rather see them leading 2-0, than see any other series score that could be possible after just two games.

  11. Canes are a step or two above the rangers both in terms of speed and structure. thats why NJ looks slower in round 2.

  12. As a Carolina fan myself i agree with this video entirely. However the Devil's will be at their home in New Jersey so Carolina will have to keep playing similar to how they have games 1 and 2. I'm hoping rod lights a fire under their butts saying do not comprimise. Because one simple mistake could turn this whole series around.

  13. As Carolina fan I didn’t think we would get passed the second round because of injuries and scoring depth coming into the playoffs prove me wrong canes

  14. Canes have such an underrated franchise. By far one of the best run, most underrated in all of pro sports.

  15. Just as I said the other day, they will be completely fine. 3-0 first period and 5-2 at the end of the second. The Devils weren’t “exposed”, they were just tired and needed to get their feet under them a little, now they look unbeatable.

  16. The game today was pure chaos, clearly an outliner. But we take it and move. Will give us some confidence.

  17. Game 3: Canes can’t slow down Devils for 8 goals. Sooooo….. I’d be worried in Carolina.

  18. Coming off a game 7 emotional win and series….yea most figured that

  19. If you only looked at the first 3 games of the Ranger series, you would think the Devils didn't belong in the Playoffs.
    Maybe we stop judging the Devils or any team on 3 games?

  20. Series in now 2-1 after a dominating game by the Devils in an 8-4 win. All season the Devils have been the comeback kings. They seem to learn their opponents period by period and game by game. I think they have the adjustment talents to win this series by adapting to the Canes system and capitalizing on their weaknesses, (whatever the very few weaknesses Carolina has). No matter what, this series is gonna go to 6 or 7 games.

  21. Just a hunch but the Devs played the same first 2 games they did against NY. Played completely different game 3. Almost seems on purpose and it's working. Been a great series AMF ai expect it to come down to the wire in a 7th game. Both teams are very fast.

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