Golf Players

You Won’t Believe How Easy This Makes The Downswing


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  1. This looks great but how would I do it at the driving range? Mine doesn’t have any post to put a resistance band around.

  2. THATS IT !!!
    more than 3 and you lose the feel !!!
    man, this explains why i start out hitting good (for me) and after 10 15 i would be at a "totally lost". keep trying to get it back only making it worse. complete frustration.

    Thank YOU 👍

  3. Excellent content. So many amateur players naturally try to swing the club with the hands and arms, so practising those drills are so important for making the driving forces come from the legs and hips as a way of habit.
    I'm definately going to practice those drills next time I'm down the range.

  4. Now the 5 dry and 3 ball drill is interesting. Last week at the range, I was dry drilling (not one from here) then moved to ball and hit some good shots but after 5 or 6 it started going down hill. So the explanation here makes perfect sense why you need to alternate back to dry quickly. Nice one

  5. Unfortunately most people go to the other extreme and their lower body moves too quickly and they continue to slice due to the upper body being left behind and the club face remaining open.

  6. I may of missed it in the video but do you have a particular lofted iron you like to do this drill with? Like a 7 iron or more of a sand wedge? Thanks

  7. I'm working on the hip bump currently. I'm doing the Hideki drill. I go up to the top,stop and hip bump,then let my hips start the club down,the most important part is to have a steady head,not moving forward in the downswing

  8. What a win win. We get top notch tips/instruction while giving ad revenue to the instructor without leaving home. Kids these days have it made.

  9. I'm always waiting for you to say "I'm out here in my gahden" as that seems like the most appropriate British thing to say to start these videos. And of course, love the content!!

  10. This is excellent instruction and has answered a number of questions I had regarding the downswing. I am finding the drill extremely beneficial. Thank you.

  11. Love this instruction. The focus on this basic move that I somewhat lost over the years due to a bad left knee, causing me to ‘flip’ the club. My strap band arrived today so ‘dry drilling’ here we come 👍🏻

  12. If there is one guy whom I would like to follow for my golf instructions, then he is the one. Grt lessons…

  13. This is by far the best lesson and drill on how to sequence the downswing. It makes the whole procedure reliant on one movement-full rotation of the hips. One caveat-your entire upper body must be in the correct position at the top. The shoulders, arms, arms, wrists and hands must be in the proper position. If they are, this drill really allows them(and the club/club head) "come along for the ride" into and through impact. FANTASTIC!

  14. Wow….this is great. It took me so long to figure this out. And it was right here the whole time. I can hit it 300 total now, but it took so long for me to learn this critical move.

  15. what i find is if i don't rotate like this and just swing with my arms i get more tired and sore in the lower body area because i think the arms are fighting against the body.

  16. Great vid
    What about “Ring the Bell” -TW or
    “Pull the Chain” -JT and others
    Does this actually happen or is it just a feel they think is happening as a result of lower rotates first?

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