Golf Players

Devon Larratt vs Genadi Kvikvinia The Big Interview!

The mind games in their final big joint interview before the huge Armwrestling match.
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  1. This is becoming a bit to much man, it should be more like a mma fight where they wont see each other this much! They shouldn't be best friends/ giving away the moves.. To much

  2. Devon's hand is at least 10-15% larger than Genadi's. Look at the difference in finger thickness, it's not even close. He's got a solid inch on him from base of palm, to tip of mid digit. And overall hand/palm thickness isn't even close. Then look at thumb size, which is important, again, not close. Genadi does not have little hands by any stretch, they're just not as big as Devons.

  3. Can't wait to see you two go at it…Genaldi is such a sweetheart I love that guy…built my boy larratt has this !! Let's go Dev

  4. Genadi says Devon has a chance until we hear "opana". You'd think Genadi would lead with that then. 😄

  5. How insecure must you be, and I mean gayvon to look for a constant validation and proof of being better than anybody all the time? 🤣

  6. Genadi has no chance in hell judging by his pull with Michael Todd. Devon has improved soo much in so little time and I don't see Genadi having made the same strides considering Devon defeated MMT in a superior fashion compared to Genadi. I just don't see him beating Devon.

  7. Those mental games Devon is doing by comparing hands are hilarious 😂

  8. Bruh can someone tell me what the hell is going on with these baby-bottles they got here and on the press-conf.? Is this some kind of children audition or some shit… jesus fk

  9. Prudnik would pin him if kings move was illegal
    Devon is not in top 5 world rank

  10. I wonder if they do any other types of macho comparisons perhaps when they are taking a leak? Devon "Ganadi has baby balls. Tiny little baby balls"

  11. What the reporter said "Genadi does being the underdog … " what the translator told him "If you were a little dog would you be a Jackrussel or Chihuahua?"

  12. Damn, Ginadi epic troll from 07:19 till the end. The indirect fun of Monster Michael Todd King's move. Even he'll laugh at it for being furious. I've to give Ginadi credit for this epic troll. Need some clips with English subtitles. WOW!

  13. A lot of people have said this before, that Devon took AW to a different level
    Not by only what he does on the table, it's these things we see in this interview
    People like Levan brought a lot of attention to the sport because he's a freak of nature, how many more people gonna be like that? Not a lot..
    The sport needs more people like Devon to keep growing.. Leaning on the technical side alone will see the sport loose a lot of followers

  14. They could've given Genadi a translator that's a bit better at English lol

  15. Today truth prevailed, for once the ref had enough of Devon and let the match be fair. I hope we never see this embarrassing alcoholic and his psycho wife at any event again, the prudnik robbery was bitter, but tonight also started with the ref allowing him too much. Genadi is one of the weakest SHW, above him are only monsters that maybe even Levan will succumb to eventually. Devons quest to being the imaginary King of the Open is closed. Forever. And he didn't take the crown from John cause he never proved himself worldwide before 2020. when he got smashed by Levan.

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