Golf Players

Connacht’s hopes vs. Ulster | How Munster fans feel about Leinster | Alan Quinlan

Former Ireland and Munster player Alan Quinlan was on OTB AM with Adrian Barry and Shane Hannon to act as a mediator in their ongoing debate about whether fans from the other provinces should support Leinster in their bid for European glory.

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  1. I’ve a very strange view towards this. I was born in Connacht and my father lives there, but I’ve lived in Leinster for my whole life. I got into rugby only since 2020 I support every team and watch all their matches, but it’s funny the team I like the most is ulster.

  2. Typical munster fans,anyone but leinster,yet they will be cheering on the over 11/12 leinster men who make up most of the ireland team,how hypocritical is that,sure im sure leinster will be up all night losing sleep 😂😂😂😂

  3. What a load of nonsence are you really short of something to talk about so sorry I subscribed to this channel its like you are listening to a group of guys in a pub with a few pints in them.

  4. What about Ryan, Dillane and ROG? Great to see Irish people succeeding abroad? As a Dubliner who’s a Munster fan I feel conflicted.. a win/win scenario perhaps 🤔☘️

  5. I'm a Leinster man but I'm Irishman firstly. I support all the Irish provinces when they play anyone except when they play Leinster.. Always support the Irish provinces

  6. ❤You’re right Alan, I wish more Munster fans would grow up! It’s so childish. They’re turning Rog into something of a poser!

  7. I have always wanted Leinster to stuff Munster, but never have I wanted to see an overseas team win against any of our home teams. And I'm the generation who got to see Munster spank us almost every time we played.

  8. Second time in a few months we've hard this crap about munster fans not supporting leinster and leinster not supporting munster on newstalk with Alan 👎👎👎 stop bringing up the same crap please OTB

  9. I think this Shane lad dived in with such forcefulness that he couldn’t stop digging a hole for himself. 95% of Munster fans will be supporting La Rochelle? No they won’t. Some will because of ROG which is just dense. So what if he’s their manager? And how Leinster get on absolutely could have a bearing on how those players go in the future for Ireland. Winning brings confidence where losing brings doubts. Leinster make most of the Irish team and if they can’t win the European cup how do you expect to win the WC? At the end of the day anyone can support whoever they want but the way he puts forward his opinion reminds me of someone who rubbishes say a film so badly that everyone else then feels awkward disagreeing.

  10. This is a munster thing- can't get over themselves- i'm a connacht fan and have no issues supporting any Irish team in a major final- laighain abú!

  11. When Ulster won the Heineken back in 1998, similarly when Munster had their purple patch in the mid 2000s they had the support of the rest of the country without doubt, because besides representing their provinces, they were also representing Ireland and Irish rugby There is absolutely no reason, that one can see, to change this just because there are a few Irishmen currently with La Rochelle. ROG, Donnacha Ryan and Ultan Dillane are doing a great job with La Rochelle and hopefully that will continue. However as a born and bred Cork and Munster man I will be fully supporting Leinster because they represent the country as both Ulster and Munster did before them.

  12. As a long-standing Munster supporter I think the Leinster thing is, to be honest, driven by a form of jealousy. WE used always beat "the lady boys" 🙂 and now they're probably the best club side in the world while we've slipped back. Having said that I'm 100% behind Leinster when they play foreign opposition.

  13. my favourite part of this whole naritive is that a dub is saying leinster are so great that they must be hated by everyone. look irish rugby above provinces. The ROG argument is like BOD coaching Toulouse vs munster in a final. Youd love to see the irish team win, but a leinster fan wouldnt be sad seeing BOD doing well as a coach

  14. Otb what are you doing? It's not even funny.. that lad on the right is a very spiteful little man

  15. Who gives a f&ck whether ROG coaches La Rochelle? Would he support an English football team against a League of Ireland team if they had an Irish manager? Would he support an Australian International Rules team against Ireland if they had an Irish manager?
    La Rochelle are going into their 3rd final in a row, they’re the defending champions and they have an absolutely stacked squad of talent from all over the world. They’re not some underdog champion of the working man. Supporting them over Leinster is outrageously c&ntish and I’m surprised how bolshy he is about it. And I say that as a Connacht fan. Support Ulster or Connacht or Munster against Leinster by all means. But La Rochelle? F&ck right off with that sort of BS.

  16. I am a Munster supporter, I will be supporting Leinster in the final. If they beat Munster in the URC i will support them in that too. Its because they play a good brand of rugby, represent Ireland well as a club.

  17. I’m a Munster fan. I will be cheering Leinster.
    I would never shout for a foreign team against any Irish provincial team.

  18. Munster supporter here. definitely rooting for Leinster in Heineken cup final! Good for Leinster✊ hope we beat them this week though 💥

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