Golf Players

Interview with Zhu Jiner & Vaishali | FIDE Women’s Grand Prix in New Delhi | 10 Round

Live broadcast of Round 10:
Link to the games:

Zhu Jiner prevails against Vaishali and, with a score of 5½/8, catches Bibisara Assaubayeva and Aleksandra Goryachkina in the lead.

Zhu Jiner and Vaishali commented on their Round 10 game in New Delhi #FIDEWomenGrandPrix.

Zhu Jiner: «For this game, I chose not very popular line. I knew that my opponent is very good with the openings, so, I was trying to avoid some of her home preparations.»

Vaishali: «I misplayed in the opening. I spent a lot of time there but couldn’t find the right move. And later I didn’t get any chance, my opponent played a very strong game.»

#FIDEWomenGrandPrix #WomenInChess #ChessInterviews


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