The Secret To Breaking 80 In Golf Every Time

Do you want to break 80 in golf? You can, and this video will show you how! I’m a pro golfer and instructor, and I’ll share with you the three most important tips that will help shave strokes off your game. Watch now for tips that will improve your swing, lower your score, and make golfing more enjoyable.

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  1. I'm a low 80's scorer and have broken 80 about 3 or 4 times. My stumbling block to regular sub 80 rounds is double bogeys. I always have 2 or 3 on my scorecard and they wreck my scorecard every weekend. The double bogey's are caused by compounding errors. I may have one 3 putt per round but my goal every round is to try and eliminate double bogeys. My handicap index is 7.5 Thanks for the video

  2. I hit greens but sometimes struggle with proximity to the hole. My putting usually bails me out. Hcp 3.8

  3. I hate seeing "never blank again or do blank every time" because it is BS. Whether it's break 80 or never slice again, or never shank, I call BS. Even really good Pros shoot 80, slice it and shank.🤣

  4. Started playing golf again in March 2021 after a 5 year absence and finally shot a 79 in September of this year. Difference was putting and GIR. GIR average is currently 41%. Average putts are 35.

  5. Shooting in the low to mid 80s, hoping this helps! I’m close.. 11 HC hitting around 30% GIR, 3 putt every 10ish holes and chipping inside 6ft probably 50% of the time.

  6. I follow you on Twitter and didn't know you make YT videos. JUST missed you guys by a few days near Lisboa. I played Troia a few times and WOW, what a great course. 6,900 yards of beautiful golf. It seems like Mark is hitting his "summer" yardages and even though it's somewhat warm in PT, the ball is absolutely not traveling like summer. I had to add an extra club (or two) to make distance – even when it warmed up to over 20*C. However, down in Algarve and in Southern Spain, I was getting more "normal" warm weather distances.

  7. I've broken a club or two, but never 80!! Pretty much a 90-95 player on most days, high 80's on a good day, 100 plus on my bad days.

  8. These conditions look pretty fun to play in. Hope to be being more 80s after seeing this 💪

  9. Good content. My golf and my playlist are both stuck in the 80s. A good way to break 80 is to move forward one tee box. One tip Mark could have added at 4:55 is "commit to the club and the shot"😆 He's good enough to execute it despite the negative thoughts. For most of us, that thinking leads to a bad swing.

  10. Did not get to golf much this year until fall, but the 10 or so times I did, I struggled to get close with my chipper. Yet when I go to the range I am deadly with it. Not sure why it's not translating to the course. Accuracy is fine, I just end up way short a lot – definitely not 40%. Any ideas on using a chipper specifically would be great….I mean seeing as you are the chipper master sir.

  11. If you want to break 80 the key is to make par on your Par 3s. 1 bogey won’t kill you but any doubles on the par 3s are really scorecard killers. I’ve broken 80 a bunch of times and it’s always when I’m flushing my irons. When I’m trying to break 80 it’s always the par 3 doubles that are the culprit.

  12. Gordon bloody Bennett !imagine meeting these Brits on a holiday trying to relax, yup And of course they're down the Pub later boring everyone within earshot,talkin about Engerland winning the world cup in 66, Her Indoors and BREXiT meaning to making Engerland great, Gordon Bennett !!!!!!

  13. 0-1 three put – check, chips close to the hole: check, 40% GIR: no way Jose. 25-30% on a good day. So there we have a problem. Let's see whether those 4 penalty strokes have anything to do with it?

  14. Hi I’m averaging around 12-15 depending on all your points raised and how well I overcome the challenges of each shot. My worst is chipping and pitching. I rarely get close from a pitch over a full swing 50 to 100 yards

  15. I play high 80s an low 90s at 76 years old have lost yardage over the years but not the love for the game

  16. Not based on any data but when I was playing and just trying to break 80 I just said I wanted to be 'in the green complex' in 2 on a par 4. It stopped me putting pressure on myself to hit a small green with a 6 iron after a so-so drive. Obviously this wouldn't have worked if my short game was terrible but it really helped me to cut out double bogeys because I could almost lay up rather than trying to be the pro that I'm absolutely not

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