Golf Babe

Golf coach knocked unconscious by student while trying to intervene during fight at Klein Oak Hi…

What was said to have started as a fight in a Physical Education class at Klein Oak High School ended with a coach being rushed to the hospital after being knocked unconscious.


  1. The school systems and politicians got exactly what they wanted, parents can't discipline their children how they use to and you took corporal punishment out of the schools. Now deal with it. But I can tell you this none of my kids (3 boys and a girl) and none of my 7 grandchildren ever been disrespectful my wife and I or any adult of authority. We keep it old school in this family.

  2. I knew a college student who got punched once at a party. His head hit the concrete just like this guy, and he was developmentally disabled (mentally retarded) after that. Very sad.

  3. Looks bad for the students who hit him…so sad but when I was in school we didn’t fight teachers they didn’t get that from us we were much more respectful but we did fight each other

  4. That student is an ANIMAL !!!! Put him in PRISON for the rest of his LIFE !!! Kids are out of control because of the WELFARE !!!!! Stop welfare, no more by-products !!!! Chip off the old block !!!!

  5. Yeah the schools highest level of discipline.. the ninja will probably get a few days of in school suspension..

  6. Oh look, the usual suspects. Do yourself a favor and apply at another school. Ya know an area where the students have parents and never think about acting like this.

  7. Looks like a bunch of black teenagers attempting to take out a white privilege man!
    BIDEN, Democrats and RINOS policies to Defund the Police implicitly destroys law and order and creates anarchy and chaos!

  8. It is only a matter of time before politicians drag the country into another war when many of these brilliant and energetic youth will be drafted to go overseas and die.
    Since military recruitment is down and the pentagon is now open to all walks of life, even claiming to be a 'Max Klinger' won't stop the military from sending 'they' off to war.

  9. I hate to point it out but Why does it always have to be some black brothers and sisters who are fighting like ravaged creatures in these videos. You almost never see asians indians and white folks doing this crap.

  10. That coach is gone… his head squashed like an eggplant against that concrete. You can hear it! Teenage Black chicks are rabid…..they are worst of the worst.

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