Golf Players


We celebrate Ipswich Town’s promotion back to the Championship after a thumping win over Exeter!!

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Season 8 | Episode 685

Editors – ‘A Ton Of Love’ is used in our intro/outro under licence with thanks to PIAS:


  1. I still think I am dreaming, to think after that Bristol Rovers draw some fans were calling for KMK head is insane. So so proud of the team, the management & the owners it's great to be a Town fan & be happier than a Norwich fan for once ๐Ÿ˜

  2. Such a fantastic day and the culmination of an incredible effort by the leadership, KMcK and the squad. So hugely proud and the collective THOUSANDS of miles we travel each season (accompanied by the BM pod) have been utterly and gloriously worth it. Norwich Cityโ€ฆ.weโ€™re coming for you ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค @ITFCSOUTHWEST

  3. Pleased for you guys you've had so much dross to make a podcast to talk about since you started. Thankfully that's finally all changed.

  4. awards donโ€™t matter one jot. Our form finishing this season doesnโ€™t matter one bit either. Us realists know football doesnโ€™t go your way if you flatter yourselves. ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค

  5. Thanks for everything you do guys. Have a cider on us for the brilliant bants, analysis and efforts over the season. From all at @ITFCSOUTHWEST

  6. Thanks for providing fantastic content across an incredible season. What's even better is I have a feeling that things are only going to get better next year

  7. Couldn't make the live stream, but first and foremost, so sorry for you loss, Dave, and thank you for coming on the pod. I have a feeling we'll beat Fleetwood with our first/only late winner of the season. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Wise words from Ben, enjoy your success take it all in. It can all change very quickly (I speak as a Norwich fan!) The area needs both teams doing well, with a healthy rivalry.

  9. What a brilliant game that was! Best day in my life as a tractor boy. The atmosphere was insane from the greyhound down to Portman Road. Like many other Ipswich fans, I will remember this day for a long time and bring on the championship! Lastly, thoughts are with you Dave. Sorry about the bad news but hopefully that promotion will have made him happy

  10. Great work, thanks, guys. Awesome performance by the squad for the ruthless displays in the last 2 months beating all before them. All town fans deserve to make the most of this and enjoy it, especially you guys that have suffered week in week out reporting on rubbish in the last goodness knows how many years before game changer and Kieran! When I met Rich and Dave at the greyhound before the Derby match having come from Melbourne, I never thought we'd end up promoted automatic! Excellent day, superb result, so happy for us all, bring on next season!! Up the town!!

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