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🏆LSU’s Angel Reese on giving Caitlin Clark a taste of her own medicine 🏀 | #shorts | NYP Sports

LSU star Angel Reese got the last laugh and let Iowa sharpshooter Caitlin Clark know about it as the Tigers won their first women’s basketball national championship on Sunday, 102-85.

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  1. This not even about basketball at this point u know what this is 🤣🤣 shit so funny reese said she wanted to pick her pockets never in my life have i heard a basketball player say that on tv and yall think she so cold for this 😂😂😂😂

  2. No that was kool 😂 & I find it kute too hey c’mon she’s a kid 😂 she didn’t rob nobody kill nobody 😂

  3. “I was waiting” yeah bc she was too scared to hit it while it was a game. “everyone wants to act tough when they’re up”

  4. Women's College 🎓 Basketball 🏀 is way better than WNBA! WNBA needs too step up 👆! WNBA is too man-ly, too many lesbo's ⚢. Keep traditional Women's sexyness and let these women ball and wacth how WNBA will grow, and I mean grow fast. We already have the NBA. We don't need WN-B(e)A(man)

  5. Okay, why is every one making it a big deal? This is not the first time trash-talking has happened. Also, it is a basketball game there will be trash-talking.

  6. That's exactly how Carson lit them up! Carson had not been able knock down her shots in other games, but she was on fire. Iowa wasn't ready.😅😅😅

  7. Can people let this go now? Both of these girls spoke on it, made it very clear they respect each other and they have no animosity or hate towards each other and that it’s just in the heat of the moment trash talk on the court and neither is offended by it.

    They kept trying to bait Clarke to say something and I’m glad she didn’t bite and made it clear that “hey I do it too so I can’t complain, it happens on the court and it’s not that big a deal” and went on to give Reese, Kim and the rest of the LSU team their flowers for their season and how they played. And Reese also is right here and in other interviews since has basically said the same thing, that it wasn’t a big deal and she respects Clarke and also gave her props on HER playing this season.

    The media and race baiting dicks are who blew this “feud” into something it NEVER was. You do not have to put down one of them in order to raise the other up!!! They can BOTH be awesome people who are talented, pretty, nice and excellent players. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, we can celebrate both and their achievements. People need to grow up and learn that. And also learn that just because someone says or does something in the heat of the moment (like an important basketball game) that it doesn’t reflect their personality or how they really feel about someone or something. These are common sense things but people are lacking a whole lot of that and critical thinking skills lately

  8. How was ot disrespectful? Didnt Angel make videos all season about how she was from Bmore and she talks trash? She pushed that narrative more than anyone

  9. The problem isn't taunting, if she is was pointing at the audience. She was literally chasing the goddamn player.

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