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The Yankees are in serious trouble | The Yankees Avenue Show

Welcome back to The Yankees Avenue Show with Dan Rourke and Patrick Hennessy! New episodes drop following every series.

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Aaron Judge is the best baseball player to ever live.


  1. This Yankees offense without Judge and Stanton is delusional. The Yankees offensive approach is still the same like we have Judge and Stanton. Yes we are low in the Home run category, but the Yankees rank 5th in the AL in SB. So use it, if a guy gets on bunt, do a hit and run, manufacture runs without needing that big blow of a HR. The Yankees hitters may not be good, but they are fast so use that. Do a Guardians offensive style. @Yankees Avenue

  2. You guys do such a great job. Very interesting and very good points by both of you. It's a pleasure listening to you.

  3. Don't panic when judge and Stanton come back things will be forgotten.This generation of players get hurt cause they make to much money and not taking there physical training seriously but not all

  4. What is the mentality of Yankees season ticket holders? Looking back at last season’s unimpressive 99-win figure and seeing that Aaron Judge resigned as expected and essentially the offense was’t improved, was this category of fans expecting a better 2023 season win-wise with the addition of Carlos Rodon?

    Didn’t they take into account that every regular player had aged one year, Hicks, Donaldson and IKF are like furniture fixtures and the catching combo of Trevino and Higgy will never hit above .260 combined.

  5. Completely upset with Yankees performance.
    Aaron Boone, Bryan Cashman And the General Ownership are really dissapointing.

  6. FYI…… dominguez is not going to save us. Every Triple A player that had so much Hype has proven they are human. Instead of being the yankees and recruiting top talent, we just rely on college kids in the minors to carry this franchise.

  7. Hahahahahaha good….. like I said, all of this is the result of you dummm baasstuuds giving the cashboy the vote of confidence…. gOOD. Yank will never win again… they now hold the cuz of the bosox… GOOD

  8. I supported Boone and Cashman last year during the slumps and even accepted going out in the playoffs as I felt the team needed work but would come better this year. Following an amazing start to the season I thought we were god but after seeing a few players go down and the season is already going in the trash there needs to be changes made. Soooooo much young talent around but nobody at the top helping them to win. You have to wonder how all these losses affect their confidence and ability to improve.

  9. Who would have thought judge would get hurt once he got his contract. It’s amazing judge played a full year during a contract year. Shocking. Hahaha

  10. Boone needs to go, as for Cashman he is nothing more than a middle man, he does not write the checks. This team is not responding to Boone even if they were healthy. You can kiss the East goodbye at this point and even the 2nd WC is a pipe dream right now.

  11. Cashman and Steinbrenner built this super star rotation and lineup. Only problem is with one or 2 injuries the team is done. And the whole team is fuggin hurt.

  12. Even when Stanton and Judge are in the lineup Boone cant put a lineup together… Judge as good as a player he is.. he is not a 2nd type guy… we need Volpe DJ, Judge Rizzo ,Stanton Torres, Bader, Trevino Pereza that should be our lineup everyday…… if they want to compare to the 09 team well beside Melky stepping up for injury player the same lineup was there everyday…. but Boone everytime any guy has a good hard hit ball can be a hit or a out he switch the lineup….. Rays has the same lineup all year just few plug player to give day off

  13. Cancelling my MLB tv subscription for now. Can’t pay to watch them even on tv now. They keep doubling down on a whack ass GM and coach and can’t get a rotation together that can close out games. It’s extremely frustrating to watch. Especially given their payroll and the costs associated with fandom!

  14. Well you both got your wish keep judge well the contract yr is over and hes a major bust. They could have added Verlander Benintendi Correa and a few other pieces but no we kept judge wake up you 2 ive watched baseball for longer than you've been alive as long as Hal owns the team were going to suck

  15. Cashman has had a terrible few years here lately it’s a shame ownership didn’t make a change after last season.

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