Golf Players

Tottenham ignoring Pochettino, Daniel Levy’s bullish responses and Fabio Paratici

Looking at Tottenham’s managerial search, Fabio Paratici’s exit, Daniel Levy’s Q&A and more.


  1. Time for a major clear out and rebuild, starting with Levy. May mean a few more barren years but what's new. Under 17s showing how to do it!

  2. I hope I can be forgiven for making two comments here but I cannot resist making one on Daniel Levy's desire to leave a legacy of regeneration of the local area rather – as you ask – than a succesful footbal team who win things.
    The cynic in me thinks that the answer may be this. If Spurs win trophies the value of Spurs will not increase too much if at all.
    However if the local area is regenerated it would bring more people to the area who are better off and able to afford the prices and further will substantially increase the attaction of Spurs as an investment

  3. No such thing as a proven managerial winner. Players win things, salaries attract players, that’s it

  4. I normally run straight into watching your videos, but I saw the first part of the title and went into a state of denial! Finally, watching it because I need some therapy after yesterday's match! 😂

  5. Poch going to Chelsea would be absolutely heartbreaking. It would all be on Levy. After fans booed Patron during a game for a couple mistakes, albeit dreadful, I imagine they would tear down the stadium if Poch should manage the blues.

    I would be a bit disappointed in Poch for going, but at the same time, he wants to work and if Chelsea wants him and Levy and the board don't, well then, what's he to do?

    It all points back to Levy.

  6. The regeneration of the area is great but first and foremost Tottenham Hotspur are a football club and THAT should be the priority.

  7. the season is done. fighting for top 4 is meaningless accomplishment if achieved since we have repeatedly demonstrate we can't compete at that level. and don't @ me about 2019 we fluked our way into the final and then didn't show up. all it does it put more money in Levy's pocket

  8. The Cambridge interview was all softball questions in a controlled environment no one was gonna challenge anything he said. Plus delusional, narcissistic people often come off as confident

  9. Just about to watch this but just heard the news about sacking of Steggers and Ryan in charge! Where to start! Looking forward to your post coming out this evening????? Lmbao! This club is beyond a joke Ali! But we continue to support it!

  10. Watching this after the Newcastle match and Stellini's departure 😬

    How many times over the years would Levy have sacked himself, so many mistakes compounded by more poor decisions?
    Who will get my ire if Poch joins Chelsea? Levy, for not swallowing his pride and getting back the best manager he's had. The man wasn't going to wait around forever.

  11. If Poch joins Chelsea then I can only see this as a failing by the club. If Poch comes out and says Spurs tried but I didn’t want to go back then that is different. But to not even try and have a discussion with him about his thoughts of coming back is so poor!

  12. Does Levy not understand what the fans want? At this stage with all the crap going on he could restore so much of his reputation by making a simple appointment

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