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  1. Wer'e all taken for fools by Spurs,. Probably the most expesive club to support? Wouldn't it be wonderfull if all supporters were to go on strike?

  2. You cannot have a chairman anywhere near a transfer except signing the cheque. Can you imagine being manager and given a set of players and take the blame for the results week in week out when the minute the players don’t like something they run to Levy behind your back . The defining moment was the loss to Sheffield it was the straw that broke the camels back until Levy goes nothing will change

  3. Daniel Levy's biggest drawback is his inability to sell players. The owner must quickly judge a player's value during the season and resell players who fall short of the standard and constantly rebuild. Not only signing a player based on reasonable transfer funds, but also the ability to sign and proceed with the sale quickly is a very important ability for the owner.
    Be more agile than ever!!

  4. I like what Lee said. I hope there is a change, but who knows if it will be.

  5. Crackers is absolutely bang on with his points.
    Really well articulated with some brilliant analogies. More of him please, seems like a proper mucka. 🍻✨

  6. Conte was on par with Pep and Klopp in his first season at Spurs. Arteta and Klopp were doing way worse at the start of their reign in the Premier League but no manager could ever make it work with Tottenham under Levy. Conte, Poch, Pep, Klopp, doesn't matter.

  7. Club can't be successful while the chairman prioritizes top 4 over everything else. Like we're supposed to be happy watching teams knock us out of Europe year after year. No one cares about this top 4 nonsense except for the board.

  8. Levy is inept. He may know business but he knows nothing about football. He’s lucky to be the owner because if he had a boss, he would have been fired years ago. But Levy thinks this club is his. Well I’ve got news for you Mr Levy. Without us this club is nothing. I had a think about why we are where we are and I found myself asking myself, would levy back a manager with top players earning top wages. And it’s a definite no. So maybe Levy doesn’t wanna take us on further. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to stomach paying for 5 or 6 Harry kanes. It’s better for him if we stay on this level. But spurs are bigger now. He has a big decision to make. Keep spurs at a level he can afford or sell

  9. Sim is 100% right I remember watching us batter Liverpool 4-1 at wembley we are above them in our progress at the time and needed 2/3 quality players to turn us into a title challenging team it never happened and here we are not to even mention MP “ total Re building “ moment absolutely nothing has changed ….shameful abuse of our great fans and their support

  10. Levy family owns 30% of ENIC who in turn own 80% odd of Tottenham, so getting rid of him would be very difficult. He is so thick skinned no fan criticism bothers him. He needs to butt out of football transfers etc. I don't trust one single word that comes out of his mouth. He doesn't have the balls to answer fans' questions. Instead, he just releases statements through the club website. If he told me it was April, I'd double check a calendar. If he and the board run a proper company in the way that they run Tottenham they'd be long gone and unemployable.

  11. Who cares if levy makes a statement about the direction of the club? He will just lie as he has done for 22 years. It’s time to go.

  12. It’s crazy that we are even talking about a “footballing side.” This is a fucking football club!!

  13. I am astounded that people think any comment by a spurs fan affects levy any way, He cares about one thing only that's the bank balance, so start to effect that and you might get some change at spurs.
    Every decision he makes is about how much money he is making for ENIC and joe Lewis, that's the job he is paid to do and its the only one he cares about. The perfect example is that he sacked Jose a week before a cup final to avoid paying him a cup bonus.

  14. Lee will never say levy out. Pointless first question. Talks about revenue like a business fan. Who cares?

  15. DL and ENIC OWN Tottenham! Only King Charles is senior to him in that part of the world. Which job exactly do you think is untenable? Who are we to tell controllers of multi-million pound concerns how to do their job? Local fans can have a say, but at a club of this size the success of a fan rebellion must be very dubious. I'm a 50+ yr veteran too. COYS!

  16. Look Daniel levy has not got a football brain he's got no idea how to run a club he's a business man it's all about the money he's got to go😢

  17. I think there's a twist in the Poch to Chelsea saga. Why haven't they announced his appointment yet? No, If we get battered by United and Liverpool, Levy will show his ace card and make that late call in order to deflect anymore pressure on him. The thing is, most Spurs fans will see through it.

  18. There's a bloke called John Francis who spent 22 years walking around the globe. So the answer to Mr Levy's "Journey", of where you end up after all those years is back where you started.

  19. They should appoint a separate Chairman for football matters one that has football blood and a spurs legend . Levy will concentrate on making money in the commercial side of the business. I feel that is the best way out.

  20. Lee. The commercial activity is linked to the footballing side. The sponsors and marketing partners need our high profile stars to start. Son and Kane being 2.
    Regardless of form of either and regardless of fitting into the coaches system and regardless of new signings.

  21. Sims comment about our player purchases being based on big names is totally correct.
    Football is a marketing conduit and Spurs are no different.
    Our relationship with AIA and Sonny mean he cant be dropped

  22. Naiive to believe that it is a simple matter with Levy. he is part owner and ENIC makes a lot of money through Spurs. But he is not a footballing person obviously and it sadly seems that the club owners are not that bothered. I agree with the below RE Ponchetino as if he goes to Chelski; he will do well there as long as he has some control and support and we will look even worse than we do now… & feel even worse than that 🙁

  23. He's an owner, he's not going anywhere until he decides to step down or he sells.
    He makes loads of cash which is what Joe Lewis is interested in.
    Fans thinking that holding up a few banners or singing a few songs is going to get a narcissist to relinquish control need to revaluate

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