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  1. Southpaw why you block me on Twitter. I'm a big fan and it broke my heart when I gave you a follow and then you immediately blocked me😢

  2. 😂😂😂😂By far the funniest boxing analyst on the tube. Hilarious content with truth and knowledge. I keep that noti bell on. Keep em comin South🙏🏾💪🏾💯!

  3. A Loss doesn’t effect the outcome of a fighter it’s the come back that does respect 🫡 to both for making it happen

  4. Learn something from this, when you up- everyone is around you; when you down only people that truly care are there…nuff said;

  5. This man must mind his business and worry about his son.n he didnt quit chump

  6. I am sorry, is that young man that was suppose to have hurt Ryah during sparring. He is a little lier. Getting paid to lie for Ryan and to give Ryan a further excuse for loosing the fight. This lie is one of those

    (if I loose it was because I already had an injury but I didn't want to do anything stop the fight or I didn't want to make excuses)

  7. Boy oh boy his own people turning on him like that after the TANK fight. They were probably all behind RYAN before the fight. But boy when he went out there and embarrassed himself for respect they seemed to turn on RYAN. Poor RYAN it SEEM'S LIKE everytime a Mexican/Latino FIGHTER fights TANK they lose and it's the Mexican Latino community against the black community. Look at how quick they abandoned RYAN. It's sad how OSCAR and the others act like now that Ryan lost. But we gotta understand Ryan I believe did it to earn respect! I believe Ryan wanted to be in the top 4 and get the same respect TANK, Haney and Stevenson are getting.

  8. actually i watch his swings ryan fight like a white dude. ryan was scared and it’s true ryan is not a real mexicans. fighter or mexican. look how he act

  9. You're right about Ryan not representing Mexico, the guy can hardly even speak or understand Spanish.
    Then he hangs with white boys like Jake Paul 😂😂

  10. You wrong brotha Ryan represent team Ryan and thats it just like Floyd only represented Floyd with the exception that Floyd was a hell of a student in the boxing game.

  11. I always thought Ryan would not give up n I always watched his fight but I think it was rigged for millions of dollars

  12. To be real who is Chavez to talk his son is a disgrace and an embarrassment to boxing. Didn't his son quit against Jacobs?

  13. I don’t have a trained eye, but when I saw how his glove reflected off that, and how long he took too take the knee, I didn’t believe it

  14. Marquez got dropped 3 times in 1 round and got up and fought his ass off against Pacquiao. JMM is a legend and he himself has said Mexicans are cut different from Mexican Americans.

  15. The great tradition of Mexican boxing has not be damaged by Garcia. The lad just could not take that liver punch. Garcia is a good fighter and losing to Davis is nothing new. Davis beat everyone, no shame in that.

  16. Well everything iz wat it iz til it ain't, and all that….TANK, YER MISSION: DESTROY, DESTROY, DESTROY!!! AND WHEN IN DOUBT,….DESTROY AGAIN!!! ALL OF 'EM TILL 140!!! ALL OF 'EM TANK, ALL OF 'EM!!!!

  17. True mexican fighters don't quit. Utmost respect. You gone say chavez never took a liver shot? I never saw chavez take a knee and count with the ref. Look at america, the land of opportunity can make you soft because there are other options outside that ring. Elite mexican fighters are tough as nails.

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