Golf Babe

Get Ridiculous Ball Striking Contact with This Simple Drill

If you’re looking to get ridiculous ball striking contact with your irons, then try this simple drill! In this drill, you’ll be hitting balls with incredible speed and power, allowing you to increase your ball striking contact in no time.

This drill is a great way to improve your ball striking skills and make your shots even more impressive. If you’re looking to improve your game, try this drill today!

Learn more about the Vertical Line Swing here:

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  1. Todd I'm one of your legion of experienced golfers. I suffer from fat and thin irons. I know that I finish weight back, but as to date I have been unable to find anything to help. I seem to be unable , to get my weight going forward (I've probably done it wrong for 40 + years). I hit several shots really good then out of the blue I'm back to not getting my weight forward. Practice swing always finishes weight forward.

  2. Not related to weight but pls answer this
    1. Where should the hands be at address in relation to the ball for which clubs?
    2. Are there any clubs where the hands should be in front of the ball?

  3. From Central Texas. My home course has a nice driving range. Decent grass there. But since we play 12 months, fairways and approaches to the greens vary from quite thin to pretty thick and deep. But a good weight shift, when I can pull it off, conquers almost all.

  4. Hi Todd and Nick, I am 75 from Columbus, OH. The years have given me less able to turn, etc. I hit my irons great off a tee, but continually hit them thin off the turf. I feel like I am shifting my weight and am very frustrated. This just showed up this season. Any more tips?

  5. Larry from Montclair!, NJ. I Played 18 Friday with your teaching in my head. Stuck to my preshot routine, took a 3 setter before each shot and finished overly front foot. What a difference! I birdied a hole the has always been a bogie. To be sure, I was not 100 percent, but I cut strokes.

  6. Dixon Il. It's in the 30's this morning, when is it going to warm up! Thanks for the content, I watch all the time!

  7. Hello Todd, I'm 73 years young from New Port Richey, Fl. Great tip and great drill. Keep em coming.

  8. I still have problems getting through my swing and not getting solid contact. I and sure I am doing several things wrong what are two or more drills to practice on. The driver and longer woods are my worst. Slightly better with the irons. Lakeville MN

  9. A 70-year-old golfer from Sacramento. I love your videos and they have really helped my game, but one statement today confused me. If our goal is ball-first contact, why does it matter on what surface (e.g., turf, sand, mat, etc.) the ball sits? I've been working on hitting the ground after ball contact.

  10. Unfortunately, I think most people make the ball their target. This makes it nearly impossible to get through the ball, and finish properly. A great swing thought is to think of hitting the ball forward. This shallows the approach, gets your weight forward, and allows for a good finish. It works!

  11. Todd. I have an artificial ankle and knees I cannot rotate or balance on from foot. I am left handed. Thoughts on contact

  12. This tip couldn’t come at a better time. I had one of those days last week playing with my son in law. I’m here in Oregon course was wet but we played and for all 18 holes I struggled with contact. Anxious to try this out at the rage to hopefully get some things fixed! Thank for the tip!

  13. I'm sure you've done plenty of videos about it but I just can't hit a straight drive. I go to driving ranges often, Im Blessed being in St. George UT. A lot of courses open all year.

  14. I really enjoy your video's ,,, I'm a senior golfer ( nine handicap ) from central B.C. my nemesis is duck / pull hook with my longer clubs. The exception being my driver, with my hybrids I hit numerous hooks, I have a good feeling that I'm using too much arms and hands and not rotating to a full finish.

  15. Okay Todd…I watch the channel a lot…how many, "best ones of the day" do you have?

    JK. Thanks for all the content!!!

  16. The easiest thing to understand…one of the hardest to achieve…thanks for 2 simple thoughts to try it again. I’m in Illinois so golf season will be starting soon…

  17. Todd, great tips. Interested on your thoughts on picking a line and hitting it firm with an abbreviated forward stroke on short putts vs long and flowing on long putts. Rich from Florida.

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