Golf Players

Senior Golfers: How To Get More Distance

Here is a great tip that shows senior golfers how to get more distance. If you are a senior golfer getting more distance is priority one. This tip shows you how to know if you are too tight and how to loosen up so you get more clubhead speed which results in more distance.

The great majority of golfers that come to me for lessons are senior golfers. I have literally seen it all but one thing keeps cropping up in most senior golf swings. I show you exactly what it is in this tip so if you do this you are simple hitting the ball with your arms using brute force. This will never get you more clubhead speed.

For senior golfers to get more clubhead speed you need to swing looser not harder. So once you know that you are all locked up do the drill I show in this tip. If you can do this you will start to loosen your arms because you cannot do this with tight arms. Loosen up your arms then you will start to see more distance on all of your shots.

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  1. When I try relax my arms get flimsy and finish with a chicken wing. How do I find the right amount of tension so I can finish as you suggest?

  2. Thank you so much Paul. While working through one of your lessons concerning the follow through, it was amazing how much more fluid the swing felt and the better I hit the ball.

  3. It’s working for me Paul! I take the bucket challenge every time I go to the range. I’ve done it for the last 4 trips to the range. It’s getting better every trip. Good info seniors!

  4. Great advice as always.
    I have a question for you. I’m in my mid sixties and I used to play a lot of golf 20 years ago and have just gotten back to playing again. I kind of struggled getting back to flush contact but on just a whim I started turning my club face to about 11: 45 at address and am really striking it solid but I have now a little draw. Your thoughts on what I should be doing to correct it, if anything since I’m hitting it solid.

  5. Paul your explanations are so relatable and the remedies are achievable with practice. I had no idea how much tension or rigidity I had in my arms, particularly with the driver until I started watching your material. I was absolutely finishing with driver pointing to the sky, I knew it but didn’t have a solution until now. Thank you

  6. 2:15 – I swear you demonstrate that locked up, chicken wing move so well, you got me rollin on the floor. I've seen the exact swing for decades, heck I even used to do it. 3:19 – You should be a comedian, "where's the club?" — Too hilarious!

  7. Good lesson Paul! Eventhough I am not a senior yet, your teachings applies to all.

    In 2 years, I have gone down fro handicap 30ish to handicap 20 (bogey, or double bogey the worst), and my friends asked, which Pro school did you go? They are quite shocked when I told them its Paul Wilson in Youtube!

  8. I'm 80 years old and my right shoulder does not point at target on my finish swing. What can I do to make that happen?

  9. I’m guilty. Mea culpa mea culpa. Loosen up. Sounds good to me and get a better follow through. Something that is looser, swings faster than something that is tighter. Stay loose 👍😊🍀❤️ thank you my friend

  10. Paul, played a round yesterday after a full week of practicing/drilling the Body Swing everyday. Hit a few 20 yard longer drives, wrist were to active or didn’t turn enough on two drives that hooked left the others were down the middle. My iron play was much improved, straight and no fade, in fact the biggest problem I had was distance control, irons were flying to the back of the green and a couple went over. Need to adjust my distances now and work on putting. Great results. Do you have a video on up hill/down hill lies? Thank you.

  11. Finally got the SC200+ set up in the backyard, using the swing speed only mode for now until I get the net ordered. The last few years really took the stamina out of me, man oh man, it has shown up in really poor swing speeds. The numbers were not impressive, very poor actually. So lots of work to do, but I'm going to enjoy the practice anyway and just keep going.

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