Golf Players

Karma Catches Up With Athlete After Deplorable Crime (UPDATE)

Carson Biere, the son of Flyers GM Daniel Briere, is in the early stages of being held accountable for pushing an unoccupied wheelchair down a flight of stairs at a college bar. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. I share the majority view this was despicable behaviour by an entitled and arrogant goon. But there are people in the comments who are excusing it and even think its 'funny'. 🤦‍♂

  2. This is textbook behavior from hat on backwards, rich and entitled white boy…!!!!

  3. When they said they took them off their athletic teams during this time I don't suppose you understand that that doesn't really matter when hockey season isn't even happening right now. So they weren't even punished at all.

  4. young thugs who think they are entitled. He's only sorry because someone caught them doing a despicable act.

  5. And rightfully so. They should be held accountable. What logical and decent human being would even consider doing such a thing. It is beyond my grasp.

  6. Hopefully the video will follow his hopes and dreams though out his life time, and every chance he gets is demolished because of the actions shown on video, video is the witness that never lies !!!!

  7. Everyone knows the magic apology incantations. They don't mean anything anymore. Something 👹: eat his head.

  8. Prime example of the youth of today. Not one piece of functioning morality to their fabric, let alone intelligence. The guys (not men) are flagrant losers, and the girls (not women) who try to defend them are in the same boat.

  9. This beautiful young lady has an amazing heart, she's thinking of other's needs even though she was victimized in this disgustingly cold-hearted act of vandalism. I wish I had the means to reward her in the manner in which she deserves. ❤

  10. Find Mercyhurst's statement a little… underwhelming. Words are cheap. Sounds like a non apology apology. Has HE coughed up the money to repair the wheelchair? That's taking responsibility. He's already been tossed from one program – pretty despicable that Mercyhurst seems willing to make excuses to keep a good hockey player who has shown serious lack of character.

  11. Interim suspension which would eventually be lifted and as if nothing happened and all three would be free from any accountability.. FOR SURE!!!!! 💯%

  12. Seems like this kid has shown you who he is all along and you’re surprised at this? Some people’s children… 🤦🏽‍♂️

  13. PAY to have it repaired , some community service ( NOT attending a bar ) and then we'll talk . Just another spoiled , entitled jock that thinks he should be WORSHIPED .

  14. At least nobody was in it. This can all be fixed. People are much harder to fix than wheelchairs, and impossible to replace. He's a shitty person now, but there's always a chance he can change. And he should have the money to buy a newer awesomer wheelchair to make up for his shitty behavior.

  15. Yow. some people here feels that this is ok because his young and this and that. Bro the mofo basically got kick from his previous school by being an asshole got multiple warnings transfer to a new school release a statement saying he learned from his previous action etc and did this on his new school. Lols. Bro need some punishment or help this shit might escalate in the future and might cause someones life.

  16. He’s sorry he’s got caught. He pushed a wheelchair down a flight of stairs. What kind of piece of shit does that? Oh I know a self entitled prick who’s daddy played pro sports. I would be willing to bet nothing happens with this douche. Daddy (GM of the Boston Bruins) I’m sure is upset because hos name is being brought into this.
    #BostonBruins #CarsonBriereisaPOS

  17. I knew a kid like this when I was young. One day he fucked with the wrong people. Those people found out where his house was, ended up going to his house in broad daylight, threatened his mom in the house and then beat the living hell out of that kid infront of the mom. For those that are curious that kid's dad was a criminal lawyer. Nothing ever happened to those people and no charges were pressed nor were the police called but everyone knew it happened.

  18. Honestly, why should the athlete care? The President of the U.S. has a corrupt, drug addict son who slept with his deceased brother's wife. Men think they can now be women and are winning awards for it.
    Values, manners, and decency have basically been flushed the toilet, but there's no end to the amount of people in the comments section feigning outrage.

    Give me a break.

  19. Let’s be real. The dude is 5’9, meaning he’s prolly actually 5’7. He wouldn’t have had a career playing hockey anyways lol he’s wayyyy too small.

  20. A good ass kicking is the only thing these two scumbags need. Straighten them out real quick.

  21. That's how entitled people grow up when daddy has money. They think they're untouchable.

  22. Absolutely a POS! Your not good at hockey if your 23 and still in college. I hope you get harassed the rest of your life for this.

  23. All I'm gonna say is I'm glad I wasn't there in person at that bar and saw them both do that to her chair cause put it this way… I'd of been sat in jail for what I would of done to them both! 😐

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