Golf Players

Accelerate to Brake = Power

There are many ways to swing a golf club generally most golfers fall into 2 categories with regards to creating speed and power.

You’ve got hitters and swingers and this is across all levels of ability and it’s got to fit you

The first way that golfers such as Tommy Fleetwood or Henrik Stenson generate club head speed is to accelerate to brake which looks more like a hit rather than an elegant swing type of style.

I’m not saying it looks bad at all, it looks great but it’s got to fit the style of player otherwise yes it does look bad

All we tend to hear about within the golf industry is creating lag so this acceleration to brake tends to get overlooked by many golfers or not fully understood.

Most golfers believe that from the top of the backswing you really have to use and rotate your hips and shoulders very fast and hard to create club head speed

But that’s just slow, weak and artificial, you’ll never reach your full potential, to be honest can’t believe golf is still taught this way.

This is how the accelerate and brake method works for some golfers and it could be you..!

Lee Kopanski Golf Academy


  1. Hi Lee. Just been catching up with your great videos. Fell off my push bike and damaged my left kidney with internal bleeding, and spent over a week in Spanish hospital. Sadly, with progressive exercise looking like early/mid July before I can play golf properly again (66 year olds dont bounce as good as they used to 😂). However watching your videos keeps my swing path memorised in my mind. And I have time now to look at older videos again. Great to see all your children having different swingpaths to each other (and each knocking the ball straight and for miles) Proving that you take the students "natural" swing and develop that, instead of forcing them into the "technical" so called perfect swing. Guess mine was in to out and natural draw. Think I'm a swinger too 🤭 Can still outdrive and outplay many younguns, because I got lessons straight away before developing bad habits. Recommend everyone get lessons. Sooner the better. Wishing all your children good luck in future competitions.
    Because of my injury will not be able to email you for a swing check up………Yet!!! Just one last thing!! Noticed like me you keep both feet 90 degree to ball (alignment stick). Noticed a lot of players now flaring lead foot out. What's your thoughts on this?
    Thanks for all the great videos, please keep them coming.

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