Ron vs Junior World No. 1 – Zac Wolfe – Spring Valley Golf Club

Ron takes on World under 7’s junior champion Zac Wolfe in a 9 hole stroke play match. Played at the beautiful Spring Valley Golf Club


  1. Zac at 7:30 absolutely nails it, then walks off like a boss before the ball's even landed. What a legend!

  2. Impressive young golfer Zac. Will be off +8 in a few years I expect. btw Ron, did you know you can buy golf shirts from most pro-shops? I can't remember seeing you in anything other than that number with the pink yoke.

  3. Kid’s got game!!
    Mind you, fair play to you, letting him tee it up half way down the fairway … Good sportsmanship, that! 👀😜🤣

  4. Glad to see you didn't go easy on him. Still got absolutely thrashed but full marks for the effort 👍

  5. Well done Chops, young Zac hits a good ball but you had no hope of getting thst trophy off him, no you made that up, love it.😂

  6. About time you uploaded another video Chop, been waiting long enough to watch you lose another match!

  7. We definitely just got a look into the future! We will be seeing Zac on tour some day and I’m looking forward to it. His ball striking was terrific but what really impressed me was his putting skills at such a young age. Well done young man!

  8. What a swing Zac has!! The way he loads and explodes is awesome to see at such a young age!
    Prob take a couple lessons and hit the range 5 times a week before you take him on again Ron 😂🤟🇨🇦🇨🇦🤟

  9. If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying and playing a 7 year old fits the bill.

  10. What a golfer young Zac is
    But massive well done to Ron for letting Zac win 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  11. Great vlog . If only we as adults could play like zak , find it hit it🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️

  12. I'm really glad God has blessed this kid with such amazing talent and dedication, Well done young man.

    You must have very hardworking parents, They're doing an amazing job.

  13. Man that young fella has an incredible swing, interesting how different the mental game is for kids and adults haha -Zac didn’t even care what the score was, just out there swinging 💪

  14. Wow what a pure swing from the young man, love the banter as well ⛳️

  15. As much as I love Ron vs. Pros, Ron vs. kids is the best. Ron Chopper channel is tops for YouTube golf in my opinion. Love it!

  16. Also kudos to the stellar camera work on the moving shot montage around the 10 minute mark. Top shelf stuff.

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