THIS IS LIKE CHEATING! It is that GOOD! This is the Rule of 12 Chipping and it is that good and works that well it is like cheating! The cheating rule of 12 to master your chip shots. All golfers know how important chipping is and chip shots around the green,. well this is an Easy Way to Master Chipping!

This rule of 12 for chipping is going to help your understand club selection around the green, understand your landing zone, get your chipping onto the green, master your chip shots, hole more putts and then lower your scores.

This rule of 12 chipping tip which is like cheating will help you to understand how much rollout is necessary to take into account for your chips! It will indicate whether to use pitching wedge, 54, 52, 7 iron, 8 iron, 9 iron. The rule of 12 will leave you a very easy method to know how to master your chip shots, hot to chip in golf, chip easily in golf, hit more greens, reduce your handicap.. the list goes on.

This is a simple chipping tip for golf, and within the top 3 chipping tips golf, i would even call this the secret chipping technique all golfers need to know! This is one of the things that nobody tells you about chipping onto the green.


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  1. Who you talking to where they are trying to use their highest loft clubs? If I could putt it 300 yards I would. Less air time the better for me

  2. This is different than others have explained. Others say {Total distance-Landing distance}/Landing distance= number, then 12 – number. Your video you end up using 1 less club.

  3. 🤯 CSE unclassified at maths so not for me I'm afraid. I can't even remember how many shots I've taken half the time so it's the good old Texas wedge if possible.

  4. Damn my calculator died on the 3rd hole ,iv'e had it now, what the hell am i going to do now LOL , complete nonsense, NEVER mention the word CHEAT in Golf it will Tarnish your reputation as a so called PRO !!!

  5. I have a pretty good rule I made up myself: loft = percent of flight. If I chip my 60° lob wedge, I know that about 60% of the total travel will be flight. If I chip my 33° 8 iron, it will be about 33% flight and 66% rollout. Having 60/40, 50/50, and 1/3 options has simplified my club choice and helped manage greenside hazards effectively.

  6. Looks really simple, but can I use a calculator math's not my strongest subject bit like my golf

  7. Alex, have been enjoying your videos. My short game has improved immensely from moving away from my 60 and 56 deg wedges to my 52, gap wedge…this would be my number 10 club. Also opening the face a little can help control distance…with some practice of course. Great tip and video.

  8. I just hope no one using this method is going to be playing in front of me, because you are going to hold up the entire filed behind you when pacing out and trying to make calculations… 🙂

  9. I really struggle with a open club face at impact. Any good drills/tips on helping me roll my hands over?

  10. I'm a one club around the green guy. 58° for everything except long chip and runs. Probably not optimal but practicing it is very fun. Learning how to hit the low checkers, high soft lob, standard pitch, etc. I believe helps develop amazing touch and how to manipulate your hands to hit different shots.

  11. Rule 12 is silly, this system is far simpler and recommends the same clubs by his example. This system, let’s call it Your System. YS works from 100 yards in. YS, will give you two shot choices, chip or pitch. The chip, is basically putting with loft, putting grip and putting stance. Chipping is more reliable than the pitch, ball stays closer to the ground, less risk of chunking. I’ll use the distances he used. Here how it works.

    Determine the distance. In the first example, he had 24 yards. Add 100 to that, you get 124 yards, what club would you use to go 124 yards, for me it’s a PW. If I wanted to chip/bump and run it from here, I’d convert the 24 yards to feet, 24 x3, yielding 72, add 100 to that, gives me 172, my 170 yard club is a 7 iron, so I’d chip/bump a 7 iron. I’ve got two shot types.

    For his 12 yard example, YS gives you 112 pitch or a 136 chip. For the pitch, I’m using my GW or PW. For the chip/bump, I’m using 9 iron or PW.

    Of course, once you get accustomed to it, you’ll adjust for course conditions and your psyche.

    Finally, this is important, keep the stroke width the same. In the beginning, don’t worry about that landing zone stuff. This is like your normal club selection, you use a different club for different distances, but keep the swing the same. Don’t move the funnel! (CPI reference, Continuous Process Improvement). Follow through is more important than back swing, don’t decelerate. Use a 8 o’clock to 4 o’clock swing on all clubs (the ball is at 6 o’clock) Feet together on chips, 2 feet apart on pitches.

  12. Tried this today over 9 holes. Worked perfectly on the three holes I tried it. Literally saved my round.

  13. Be aware that the rule of 12 should be modified to something like the rule of 10 or 11 if the green speed slows down or you’re putting uphill. That will basically de-loft your calculated club choice, reducing backspin.

  14. Hi Alex. Do you do lessons ? I took up golf only in October 2022 and really like your videos.
    Id be interested in your rate and what is the process to book any 1 on 1 lessons.
    Please advise how I can contact you. Thanks

  15. I heard that you never trust a guy with 2 first names. I'll trust you though. I've never tried this method because I'm like Phil. I use my 60 everywhere under 100 yards. Might not play like him but I'm pretty darn good at it. I think I need to try something else to get better, like this method. Thanks Alex!

  16. Interesting thought but I think the method is intended more for bump and runs. It mathematically just eliminates the lob wedge every time. The only way the lob wedge comes into play is spinning back to half the landing spot. Sand only plays if landing roughly 2/3rds the distance to the hole. Pitch is between 2/5ths and 2/3rds. 9 is 2/7ths through 2/5ths. 8 is 2/9ths through 2/7ths. And the denominator just adds 2 all the way. I would like to know how old the source was and if it actually applies to modern lofts as the gap wedge would have been traditional pitching wedge and would have stopped those last 2 shots closer than the how they came in hot.

  17. Alex. I suggest this not be considered a "cheating" rule but rather a "calculating" or "computing" one. Cheating implies something one shouldn't whereas this technique is just the opposite. Or simply just call it the Rule of 12. I enjoy your helpful videos. Thanks.

  18. Great tips. Do a review of range balls to player balls with chipping. I see so many practice with range balls. Then wonder why the course isn’t the same. The ball you play is the one to practice.

  19. Or just practice hitting various shots with ~8i up to sand wedge…this is much more of a feel thing than it is a mathematical equation.

  20. Mathematically I don't see how the 58 Wedge could be used. You would have to subtract 0 from 12 and how would you get 0? You could get "1" by having your landing zone on top of the cup or nearby, but 0??

  21. I’ve been teaching this technique to my high school players for over a decade. They immediately go to their 56 or 60 degree wedges until in explain the error of their ways. This is a dumynamite tool.

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