Golf Players

PGA Tour Drops MAJOR Bomb, Blows Up LIV Golf Broadcast!

The LIV vs. PGA saga has been messy from the very start. However, there has been one major development in recent days that might just be the biggest news yet on the ongoing legal battle between the two competing golf tours. LIV Golf is alleging that a senior PGA Tour official was intentionally interfering with the efforts of LIV to secure a broadcast deal – and even did so illegally. The details are even more shocking – so stay tuned!


  1. LIV Golf has opened up their tournaments to the public. PGA has not. They are making some concessions but not like LIV. Huge difference. Great idea!

  2. You know. This is just another group of immature people belly aching because they can't get what they want. Nobody can agree on anything. But I think I won't watch either one.

  3. The PGA tour is a dying product and it's sad to see them destroying the game of golf to protect their monopopy. The PGA tour doesn't own golf and never will. Kudos to LIV for taking the game worldwide which the PGA tour never did.

    What the past year has shown is that the US and English golf hierarchy is completely corrupt and have been breaking the law to monopolise the sport for their own benefit. They couldn't care less about the growth of golf. At least the public sees them now for what they are, greedy grubs.

  4. TBH, LIV paid TOO much for the players! A sport has to be grown, not bought!

  5. I will not watch a single second of any Liv (blood money tour) event. The golfers who left the PGA tour for this tour put money ahead of integrity! It’s that simple! The pox on all of them!

  6. The "blood money" blah, blah, blah is pure bullshit! If you hate Saudi money in sports then get rid of all the sports they are in…like the DP World Tour as well! The Mafia PGA is listed as a non-profit which is serious bullshit, but that was not widely known until LIV came along. So what's the difference between individuals taking Saudi money and say George W letting only 1 plane in the air on 9/11 with the family's last name of bin Laden able to leave USA?

  7. Count me in! I would never have thought to stay at GVR until this review. What a great looking property. are always great in front of the camera.

  8. Always knew Greg norman was a spoilt privileged prick who just loves blood money . He should have a job on the UN or Olympic committee

  9. I don't want to see LIV golf on any channel. Their goofy format I have no interest in. I'd much rather go play a round of golf than to watch their events.

  10. Maybe the court will rule in favor of LIV like what happened when the USFL sued the NFL and was awarded punitive damages of $1 😊

  11. Fishing, fishing, fishing … bottom line .. would one expect the XFL or USFL to get the same broadcast money as the NFL. Please just a bunch of whining. LIV golf is just no a marketable product .. can you even name one of the 10 team names??
    Just follow the money .. if a TV broadcaster would believe they could get enough eyeballs watching the LIV product and sell this to advertisers.. they would make an appropriate deal with LIV. No such market is there … hence, no money for broadcasting LIV?
    It’s no a conspiracy.. it’s “just the facts ma’am. Just the facts”

  12. The PGA has proved itself to be the villain that every critic of the tour has ever voiced. I'm no longer a PGA fan. They've lost a 40 year fan.

  13. LIV should start inviting golf professional as a guess to compete at LIV. Example, when they are in Asia, invite Asian Golf professional to compete as a guess

  14. I won't be watching any Liv events I.e. Circus is more accurate! PGA should suspend all liv players are suspended for Five years after the thing goes down in flames!

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