Golf Players

The Greatest Disc Golfers of All Time (FPO)

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00:00 Intro
00:42 R.M. Whale Sacs
01:10 Honorable Mention
02:00 Top 10


  1. I think your list is spot on. Val has an argument as she left a little early… she had more ( as did Nate) but it is what it is. And Catrina has more in her tank. Elaine is absolutely in the right spot… and will fall with time. In fact, I can’t wait until Kristin passes her, if you get my drift. Finally, I love Juliana but Des faced tougher competition and was, to the eye, the first modern FPO competitor. I think you nailed it.

  2. The 'reading' pronunciation 🤣 I understand your methodology in evaluating tattar, but i think there's too much emphasis on length of dominance. Yeah Kristin has only been playing with the very best for a few years, but last year the consensus was that she was the best over names like paige and catrina. Comparatively, it's not that paige and cat got worse, Kristins stats are insane. I think 5 is a good place in this list that balances pure stats and dominance with the length of someone's career

  3. King was probably too busy bullying kids to focus on getting that next world title

  4. Love your content and obvious enthusiasm for the sport. I'd be curious to hear how the top ten rank each other. It's a joy to watch the competition from afar. But to hear the thoughts of those who were in that competition would be fascinating. How would they rate each other? I remember when Shaq finally retired and many of the sports "experts" immediately heralded him as the greatest center of all time. It was weird to hear how he leapfrogged over so many centers in the history of the game in their lear ned eyes. When Shaq was finally asked who he thought the greatest center in the game was, he said Olajuwan by far was the greatest. Regardless of who thinks what about who, it shed light on how rankings like this are actually not so clear to categorize. Good stuff as usual from you Sir. Thankyou for your time and effort spent to bring us all more to think about and enjoy regarding this disc golf thing we all willingly obsess over.

  5. I was really about to be bummed that you didn’t put my favorite golfer on the list….. until you put her at number one

  6. Keep in mind partly why JK left in her own words was the competition just wasn't up to her level for so long that she couldn't push herself anymore. She had already won everything the sport had to offer. So I still say she's at least 2 only behind PP. Up until just 3 or 4 years ago the FPO field was very small. So strength of the field could be held against literally everyone on this list so I think that actually balances that out. I've been playing since 1994 so I've seen a lot of the FPO played live in person & on coverage. Jk needs to be higher.

  7. It’s pronounced Redding! I enjoy your videos, but curious how long you’ve been playing or around Disc Golf. It seems a lot of new DG YouTubers have a hard time with what they are actually talking about.

  8. Great choices and agree with your order, I hope you will update this in a few years, because if Tattar plays like last year for the next few years she will have to start climbing.

  9. Dude, first I love your videos and thank you for them!! But you’ve GOT TO mention worlds in Pittsburgh when Hokom should’ve won. Look into that!

  10. Great list but what about Valerie's mom Sharon a great disc golfer from way back

  11. If you haven’t made a video on her yet, I’d love to see a Best Of Paige Pierce. I only started watching disc golf coverage since 2022 and i haven’t seen much of her performances that really showcased just why she is the best disc golfer that FPO has seen.

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