Golf Players

Bigoted Swimmer Gets Hit With INSTANT Karma

Former Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines was swarmed by protestors at San Francisco State as she is now serving as a foot soldier in the right-wing’s war on transgender athletes at all levels of sports. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. How does believing in science make one a bigot now? What happened to Riley Gaines, as well as all the other collegiate female swimmers, was really messed up.

  2. And here's another b*****it from TYT Sports. The protesters did not make their voices heard, but kidnapped Riley Gaines, who is not the infantry in the right-wing war against transgenders but speaks for all sane people, right or left. Furthermore, the term transgender is wrong, because chemistry and plastic surgery do not make a change of sex, but only a sort of faneric mimicry. Keep it up, and supply more ammunition to the right-wing party. By the way, when are you going to talk about the Memphis basketball player who punched her opponent during the handshake-protocol? Greetings from Italy

  3. You nay sayers didn't actually watch the video did you? Counter the evidence presented. If the evidence is incorrect then you can prove it. I'm still not on board with Trans women competing with Cis women. They are going to Have to do more to convince me of the fairness of that. But the woman lied flat out, unless you can show that she didn't.

  4. There can’t be a single respectable woman on earth that would want to have children with this narrator.

  5. You need to be condemning this Stupidity. Let her leave for crying out loud. Stupid. Dumb. I don't agree with her policies but she is allowed to have stupid views

  6. Tyt sports is literally brainwashed with weird stuff that never existed in history before like 5 years ago.

  7. What kind of sick video is this ? Defending assault because a woman said men shouldn’t compete in women’s sports?

  8. This video is freaking stupid. Anyone with a fraction of cognitive function is appalled by what happened to Gaines.

  9. Apparently, if you don’t want someone with a d!ck to see your breasts in a locker room, you’re a transphobe. Leftist logic.

  10. She’s “bigoted” because she doesn’t want a “woman” with a d!ck to see her naked. A “woman” who is 6’4” and could easily overpower her and stick said d!ck into her given the opportunity. Makes sense. The left is so logical and tolerant, aren’t we so blessed by the current administration 😇

  11. Rick you are a deplorable journalist. Just cause u can't have daughters doesn't make us wrong for wanting ours protected.

  12. Another mouth peice for the left who is just mad because people are waking up from their nonsense! Left run Chicago, Portland, and San Fran are literaly falling apart and people know exactly why! And the Democrats won't even let their president talk to reporters because they're scared to death what he might say without a script, but then again he doesn't even make sense with a script so…..good luck.

  13. Holy shit there's some serious double think in this video. I bet the bloke in this video has never played or placed highly in any sport, or has a daughter. Plain weird.

  14. Why does Lia (bill) Thomas have shoulders as wide as Montana and that dude on the Bud light can has no shoulders at all?

  15. WOW! So according to TYT Riley Ganes is a biggot for standing up for the truth?! Men doo NOT belong in women sports or bathrooms or locker rooms. This is why you leftist are so dillusinal and wrong!

  16. Writing off this woman as a bigot who deserved to be KIDNAPPED by a violent, hateful mob and held for ransom is just DISGUSTING. You destroyed all reasonable credibility this fact checking video could have had if you had just kept your hateful "she deserved this" rhetoric out of it. You call this karma? Riley never wished or encouraged this violence on anyone else. People fight every day to not be silenced and here you are, celebrating people attempting to silence a woman on a genuine issue that isn't solely rooted in personal distain. You'd have to have full vacancy in your head to somehow spin this into a positive thing for the lefts. I hate that clueless people like this are always the loudest ones representing the lefts. This is just vile…

  17. On another note: attempting to discredit Riley's sheer talent in her career by suggesting she needed so many interviews just to be famous is laughable. Did wilLia need these interviews for the same reason? After seeing the stats before becoming Lia… I think so. Riley's not on some reality tv dating show or Dr Phil. She is being vocal about a REAL cause that demands resolution. This woman is being reached out to for every single interview. She deserves to be heard just as much as anyone else. Had this happened to absolutely anyone on the left, it would spark a huge movement with endless support from the media. As it should, because kidnapping and holding someone for ransom is a shit thing to do to ANYONE who is simply exercising their speech rights. Especially someone who isn't even extremely critical as they could be in their speech.

  18. You could tell this story was twisted to make it look like Riley was the victim, when in fact she's a scammer spreading lie's and hate. Seems like another person is going to profit out of the misfortune of others..

  19. God bless Riley. How about these mentally I’ll men start their own league, all 27 of them.

  20. This man is just a nasty misogynist and needs to eff off. U r not a woman, y r a man encouraging men in skirts to bash women for standing up for their rights . Shame on you

  21. You should be ashamed of yourselves with that title and video, TYT unsubscribed.

  22. I get it your channel is dying and u wanna get the attention of your furry buddies 😂😂

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