Golf Putting Grips – 5 Different Ways to Grip your Putter

Putting Grip Styles – Golf lesson and golf tips on the different ways you can grip the putter in your hands.

► Putting Grip Style Tips – Video Golf Lesson Summary

The way people grip their putters is usually very different than how they grip their other golf clubs. As was covered in a previous putting lesson this is explained by the fact we don’t seek hinging in the wrists whenever putting but rather we seek no movement from the wrists at all.

There are a lot of different ways you can grip your putter. You can benefit from experimenting with a few of them and decide on what works best for you.

Here are a few putting grip alternatives.

Start with the recommended putting grip covered in this series of putting lessons, with your right index finger pointing down the shaft of the club. Try to determine if you prefer having the left index finger pointing down as well or not.

Next you can experiment with putting your left hand at the bottom rather than at the top in what is known as the cross-handed grip. This can allow for more stability in your grip, and makes the left hand more passive.

Another putting grip style to try is the pen holder grip. For this you will position your left hand on top as you normally would but you will hold the grip with your right hand while it is underneath the club, holding the grip with your index and thumb pressed on both sides of the club.

Next up is the claw grip that sees your right hand gripping the club in between the middle and ring finger, where the right hand is in a claw position.

All of these putting grip variations aim at stabilizing the wrist action in your hands, to make them more passive. So feel free to experiment with a few options and go with the one that will allow for the best distance control and accuracy.

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