Golf Players

Hafthor RUPTURES PEC – Doctor Reacts to Thor Bjornsson Injury

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Hafthor Bjornsson appeared to suffer an injury to his left pec during the bench press at a recent lifting competition.

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I’m a doctor and a sports fan and this channel is dedicated to exploring the unique medical side of the world of sports, including NBA, MLB, NFL, UFC, and many more! Breaking down the biggest what ifs, historical injuries and stories, and making learning about medicine fun and relevant for all sports fans!

Anatomy images:

DISCLAIMER: Content not intended to be taken as medical advice. Opinions are my own and do not represent those of my employer. I have not personally treated or evaluated the individual(s) discussed in this video. Content used with educational and transformative intent within Fair Use Guidelines
Content owned and produced by Brian Sutterer LLC 2023


  1. According to my chiropractor, a maximum flat bench press is a poor anatomical movement, and especially bad to certain individuals from a genetical standpoint. It provides excessive stress on tendons, ligaments, and the muscles themselves, especially to those anatomically succeptible to these type of injuries given the movement and their anatomical structuring. I think my chiropractor is probably correct. These strongmen seem to pull, push, run, throw, and perform various movements, but the bench press is a hinderance to most of them. Look at Brian Shaw, his max bench is 551 pounds, yet he can squat 903 pounds. It is more about anatomical structuring and less about performance enhancing drugs.

  2. Love that you went into detail with that U shaped structure, and pointing out different schools of thought for steroids and tendon ruptures. I almost always come away from your videos learning something, but this was more novel than usual!

  3. It would be interesting to see a graph of pec tears on natural athletes vs untested ones.

    I've seen natural lifters tear pecs too, from my experience of investigating these situations it seems to happen when there is a huge shift in weight. This can come from someone returning to the bench press after not benching for a long time or a natural lifter with amazing genetics gaining strength too fast for their tendons to handle (example Nick Wright).

    I've personally never torn a pec but I have strained mine 4 times, for me this came from dehydration and too high bench volume at a high intensity but most importantly, not progressing slowly from week to week. Now with proper programming, slowly progressing each week I can bench around 24 sets per week and no injuries in over a year ( touch wood).

    My advice is to never progress too fast on bench and make sure you warm up and if you do high volume, warm up tonit slowly over a long period of time.

  4. I’ll best $500 he will blame Eddie Hall and the media will side with the clown 🤡

  5. Guys, I am on TRT and hurt my chest/shoulder by hitting myself (facepalm). It hurts and I can barely grab a glass, should I take some of the anavar I have? For 5 days? 10-20mg in the AM? I have HGH and insulin and whey(and dextrose) too

  6. If he wasnt wearing that super tight powerlifter suit, that left side of the chest would of probably went up like 6-10 inches.

  7. Never over do it on heavy lifting, i can bearly do 250pds max on bench, still doing 225pds, i seen alot of injuries but not taking any chances

  8. Now everyone's worried about Thor because he tore a muscle. If other strong men have the same injuries, no one will record the film.

  9. These studies were done on 4 legged animals, they use all four of their limbs to move around. Humans only use their legs to move around, makes sense why our leg tendons are stronger than our upper bodies.

  10. Don't rush like a madman, take your time and lift the weights bit by bit, rush like madman this is what will happen, I don't know why every body builder like to rush as well as show off for what reason, I mean it's not worth it because your only gonna get yourself seriously hurt for example with Thor.

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