Golf Players

I’m not welcome at the Golf Masters

Topbloke is furious that another youtuber has been invited to the RIck Shiels Masters. Discuss.


  1. Play with the bull get the horns. Stop complaining and figure out how to use this to your advantage.

  2. Rick only likes to be around people he can obsequiously flatter in homoerotic compliments to deflect from another double bogey. Your game just isn't up to snuff. You couldn't even win a hole from James Robinson straight up.

  3. I'm upset the way Shills is treating you. Nates reactions are cringe worthy. Keep being you TB! We appreciate your honest banter and commentary.

  4. We all need to get on Twitter and get TB into the YT Masters. Without TB Rick would not be where he is today! Let’s make this happen mates!

  5. You need to kiss up and genuflect properly mate. Give Nate a call I’m sure he will give you some tips

  6. Brilliant, after a crap day at work that ending made me laugh out loud 😂

  7. This is well out of order TB but sadly not a surprise…
    Perhaps is because you’ve taken the piss out of him for 5 years 😂😂😂
    Probably the best ending to a video in history… 😂

  8. I posted this on his podcast video……Topbloke needs to be invited to the YouTube Masters, his commentary about YouTube golf vloggers is solid and he tells it like it is. Topbloke would provide honest commentary about this event. (I wanted to keep it short, so left out the part about Shiels being a scaredy cat)

  9. Your daughter delivered the punchline perfectly. Best laugh I've had this week.

  10. that nate guy sucks. hes totally copied you and hes a total kiddy version. sucking up to all the guys.

  11. I'm not invited just yet too … still waiting … my current brave lovely 395 subs are not afraid of the music luckily. It might be that the YouTube golf world is just not yet ready for Metallllllll 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

  12. they should have you do a roast song of all the attendees. would be the best part of the tournament

  13. Cmon Mr Cheese, TB isn't asking for much. Think of where'd you'd be without the mentoring and good will TB has selflessly given you and your chanel over the years and all he wants in return is a bit of respect and an invite to your stupid little pigs ant tournament.

  14. Incorrect TopBloke…. James Robinson has upped something… his waistline! When he announced months back his wife is pregnant I thought “goodness James are you pregnant too? You sure look it .”

  15. Joke is on him. Now we will have your unvarnished commentary on this poser fest. You must go in disguise and get some on-site intel. Maybe follow Guy around and see if he fluffs Ricks inevitable snap hooks into the rough.

  16. Nooooo topbloke, your going back everything you’ve said about Rick! And appear to be begging him to go to he’s tournament. Disgusted with you 😂

  17. Without you there is no irony, they are all too serious even when they think they aren’t. Rick has to realise, inviting you opens him up to your audience and potentially another 5000 subscribers!

  18. It's probably because it's annoying as f**k the way you dick around with your cap all the time 🤷‍♂️

  19. You are better off not being invited,imagine how many sick-bags you would fill listening to all those smug twats patronising each other.
    As for the Rick Shiels golf league …. he can't break 75 and I doubt his mates can either,might be of interest to the same people that would book a lesson with Lockey.

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