Golf Babe

Trans Golfer Wins Woman’s Tournament!

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In this video we take a look at Breanna Gill, a trans golfer who recently won Australian Women’s Classic after forcing playoff!

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  1. I hear about all these Demmunists talking about getting "Death Threats", and wonder just how many of them are like AOC's claim that Republicans "Tried to murder" her on J6 while she was in her office in another building.

  2. When as a woman my objective reality is based on their imagination! well said JP, could be any better! I love everyone and transgenders I have met many beautiful transgender, however as you indicated I have a problem when my word is shaped by their imaginations! thanks!

  3. What is worse is that it took 8 YEARS… 8 YEARS, for this clown to win a tournament.
    'He' is not good.

  4. You are a legend, thanks for speaking up for women, please include all women not only athletes, trans are not women and will never be.

    No woman wants to share bathrooms, dressing rooms or any spaces meant for women with Men disguised as women.
    Trans are trans, a man making himself look like a woman to impersonate a woman to take their space is an impostor and a total fraud, he should be prosecuted not applauded.

    Most importantly little girls, must he protected from any of this type of encounter, it’s not fair.

  5. What no one is talking about is that, why no women pretending to be men are competing in men's competitions.

  6. Second rate sports men are now pretending to be women, so they can win . How pathetic. Men are now winning in women's swimming, golf , power lifting . You name it , a man is winning.

  7. If we all just identified as women we could reverse the "pay gap disparity" instantly. Women could make 100% of all pay, now and forever, amen. Problem solved.

  8. Once upon a time, in a world where people were increasingly dependent on external sources for their basic needs, a group of individuals began to question the efficacy of the education system in preparing individuals for self-sustenance. They believed that the monarchies, who had led the crusades and world wars, were using distractions to delay the transition to a self-sustaining lifestyle, while teachers continued to teach a curriculum that promoted dependence on the capitalist system.
    These individuals formed a community that focused on growing their own food and building their own shelters, with the help of each other. They realized that tax money was being laundered through the school system to support the monarchies, and that this money could be better spent supporting families in becoming self-sufficient.
    In response, they pushed for a law that required all individuals to tend to their own gardens and homes for a set amount of time each day. The law was set to start at 5am and end at 11am every day for the rest of everyone's life.
    To support families in achieving this goal, a homeschooling system was established that focused on teaching basic life skills such as gardening, home building, and animal husbandry. Part-time work was also offered to gain more socially accepted support and supplement income while still allowing for a focus on self-sustainability.
    Breaking the law resulted in a punishment that involved being taken back home and talked to about the importance of feeding and sheltering oneself first. However, the community found that with time and effort, they were able to achieve a more self-sustaining lifestyle and live in harmony with the environment.
    As the years went by, more and more individuals in neighboring communities began to adopt this way of life, and a movement towards self-sustainability began to spread across the world. With a renewed focus on basic life skills and self-sufficiency, individuals were able to break free from the dependence on external sources and live more fulfilling

  9. No woman can bat a man!
    No wonder he wanted to play.
    He is like "mommy boys wont let me win…"
    "okay honey beat girls at their game instead."
    "okay mommy, thanks."
    This is all a joke.
    Humanity is looking like idiots.

  10. Where are all the biological women competing with biological men as so called transgender men ???

  11. I say let it happen 🤷 the only way this will ever stop is if women speak up, but they'll never speak up until it effects them or takes something away from them. So I say let all them men in for 1 year, and after that year, see how the women feel about it.

  12. I haven't been keeping up as much with world events because it started affecting my mental health in a negative way.

  13. How about the guys dominate horseback riding? Car racing and boat racing rely on skill of driver and not the body structure of the competitor( actually race car drivers lose weight) Danika Patrick for example. Yet the number male competitors far exceeds the females. So like if nascar was 50/50 women and men the chance of a women winning is really good, but if you have one woman competing against 99 guys the statistics are against her.

  14. This isn't about sports this is about forcing all of us to openly accept and repeat lies. This is about humiliation and control

  15. His win is not as significant as Lia Thomas wins were. He's been playing in the circuit for 8 years before getting his first win. However, as it is, there is a line between men and women sports. The line is you have to be a woman to be in women's sports, thus I think that trend should continue.

  16. If its got a cock or a pretend vagina / open wound then its not a woman. Its not that difficult is it ?

  17. This is very simple to comprehend when you understand we live in a world of polarity. On every level. Dark energies exist. This is part of the attempted reversal of freedom, beauty, truth, well-being, justice, basically everything good and true reversed to its polar opposite. Its the attempted reversal and domination of the world by the dark negative soul groups that have been on this planet a long time. Theyre moving from countries outside of western culture into western culture to dismantle it. So that the way is clear to create massive oppression worldwide and establish a one world order under a single government/military/police/AI complex. Dont comply.

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