The Golf Swing Made Simple – Are You A Puller Or A Thrower

Do you know if you are a puller or thrower of the golf swing. In this video Mike Dero made it simple to understand the difference between being a puller of thrower of the golf swing.


  1. I realised I'm a thrower today randomly on the course…
    Figured out i was snatching at the handle of the club…
    Downswing now feels really long and slow and feels like it takes ages to get to the ball, almost like a long slow cast of the club. so much time to square everything off. Your correct about the hooking though, threw a couple of hooks on the driver, but somehow knew instantly what I'd done where before I would be guessing…but contact was pure and gained 10 yards almost instantly with what felt like zero effort, With a fizzing sound as the ball left…

  2. Thank you! Started as a junior player pulling every swing but now nearing 60 It just hurts my body. About time to just throw and be good in my short game. Thanks again

  3. This is the holy Grail for me. I am off to the practice range tomorrow to try just that. Thanks.

  4. Sometimes I'm a puller, then other times I am a thrower. I've had mixed results with both. I guess I'm in a no man's land.

  5. That was an unknown unknown. I think I get caught between the two. Having seen this I think I want to be a puller but my 50 year old body wants to be a thrower. I'll see which wins tomorrow. (9HDCP)

  6. Learning to pull catch and throw is how I swing, went from 110 to 80 in one year so honestly not sure if it a combo of these two or not but that is how it feels, self taught

  7. This is why its so important to take golf lessons from someone who teaches your golf swing style. also why there are so many contradictions in instructions. I am a Thrower and my game has improved 100% as I am a senior. The puller style will mess up your body if you are not fit and young to swing like that. NIce to see a video that explains the differences so clearly.

  8. I am a thrower…advacant of Manuel de la torre. Can you do another video that elaborates more on the throwers? I remember Jim Hardy talking about 1 and 2 planers… were the 2 planers throwers and the 1 planers pullers?

  9. I'm so happy to have clicked on this video. I feel like my body moves like a puller but my arms & hands work better & more reliably as a thrower.

  10. Excellent explanation. There is no single way to play golf as some coaches allege, you need to find out what’s best for you. Thank you👍

  11. I'm a thrower and it's easy to grasp this concept with a right arm only swing, BUT, with both hands on the club, my left arm interferes with the throw.

  12. I’ve seen countless golf video’s. Every once and a while you come across a concept that has not been explained. This one is a in that category, really well done.

  13. I'm learning the Mike Austin swing… from what I understand, the 'throw' starts from the very top…

  14. what bull shit!! DO you think a baseball player swing a bat thinks about this shit?…cmon .. another Ytube teacher!!

  15. Wow, I have never thought in these terms at all. Very, very interesting. Thank you.

  16. Well, I have all the misses you described, I guess I sometimes pull and sometimes throw

  17. Game changer!!! I love this video it makes perfect sense I understanding if you are a puller or a thrower..

  18. I was a puller. Just 10 yards off Dan Pohl’s 274 of I forget what year PGA record year.

    At 63, I overhauled my swing to the Mike Austin method but even just before, I started to think why let my clumsy left control the clubhead.

    MA throws with the right. But also flings a frisbee with the left. Hogan said he wanted three right hands. Bobby said left arm control but studying his videos, I detect a powerful right hand release.

    I’m all about right hand control in this ageless debate. Austin saw Tiger at his Masters debut and said that his body won’t last; sure enough, Tiger’s body is wrecked. Austin was hitting 300+ through his 70s until his stroke.

    Great video, btw and thanks.

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