Golf Babe

One of life’s BIGGEST mysteries… #shorts #golfswing #golf #golfgirl #golfvideo


  1. Hands should be in center of chest when left arm is parallel to ground. Her hands are too far behind her. She gets stuck and then flips at it causing occasional shank

  2. 1in away from a center strike. After watchin repeatedly it looks like you may have the ball slightly moving around in your stance. For every ball position there is a given grip and or shot for that position. I think you had the ball slightly back in your stance which induced the wrong grip and of course the wrong shot. Your tempo seemed slightly strained in the second swing also, showing that your body and mind knew you were slightly out of position with a subconscious compensation attempt.

  3. Yup that is me too, the shanks for me come on trying to do partial shots. For me I found it had to do with getting sloppy with my wrists, as I didn’t set my wrist properly on partial swing. Ultimately the problem for us is the same our hands are slightly farther away from our body than normal, why I don’t know. You are literally talking about an inch from perfection to wanting to just give up. Why or why do we do this to ourselves First swing looked great though

  4. Golf is in the head

    …and the hands and wrists and in the feet and the hips and the shoulders and it's really really hard

  5. The second one is rushed and trying to hit the ball so you casted. The first one was constantly accelerating past the ball

  6. I remember when I was 17 or so having a game of golf on those courses that you only take a pitching wedge and a putter too. Pitch and putt courses I think they are called. I had been playing golf for 10 years by this time and for whatever reason couldn't stop shanking the ball. I think I must have shanked it at least half the tee shots and the other shots were terrible too because my confidence was shot to pieces. Dad who was also playing got so irritated, I think he was telling me off every hole as if I was trying to do if deliberate. The car ride home was also strained. HAHA I haven't thought about that for thirty years.

  7. I’ve been playing golf since I was 11, I’m 27 now and I play and practice 4 days a week for a least 3 hours and honestly i do the same swing each time but the ball can f*ck off anywhere, I swear a ball hit a satellite

  8. It’s not the same person. First person is Mia and I don’t know who that second person is.

  9. Simple fix! In the first swing she has proper full-body rotation. In the second swing “the shank” you can see that she only rotates her upper body allowing the hands to disconnect from her lower body causing the dreaded “shank”!!

  10. Golf is the only sport you do horrible for 17 holes and do great on the 18th, and u had a great round. You won't stop bragging about it.

  11. Are we still trying to gain views by slutting and trashing up the sport?

    Golf is about Class. Not cheap , low class, ass.

    Change to game should not degrade the game

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