Golf Players

Arnold Classic Brazil Preview 1 Day Out + Brian Shaw Hospitalized + Master’s Olympia Names Added

#arnoldclassic #arnoldsouthamerica #brianshaw
0:00 Intro
0:08 Arnold Classic Brazil Preview
1:15 Vitor Boff 1 Day Out
2:15 Behrooz Tabani 1 Day Out
3:39 Emir Omeragic 1 Day Out
5:10 Brian Shaw Hospitalized
6:55 Ronny Rockel Doing Master’s Olympia
8:10 Vinny Galanti Master’s Olympia
10:25 Horse MD 130kg Physique Update
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  1. That was an april fools from Ronny by the way. He is definetly not taking part.

  2. Ronny Rockel is not doing the masters Olympia. That was a April fool. He would never compete again because of his diabetes he told that in a podcast.

  3. The Masters Olympia is a bad idea, These guys survived the heavy PED drug use of their distinguished bodybuilding careers. Today bodybuilders use more varied and higher drug use ( much of it is dubious underground lab stuff not pharmacy grade) together with extreme diuretics. When someone dies ( god forbid 2 days out of the show) will it really have been worth it.

  4. I think as far as the Masters Olympia goes I think a lot of the big names may not do the first year just to see how it goes over. I think Manny has a big part in it as well and I want to see how popular it is before they put themselves through the prep and their bodies through their brand so I think they’re gonna wait and see how this one goes bump up the prize money for next year I see OK we’re in.

  5. If the O wanted Masters to comeback BIG – they'd change the payments. Right now It looks like just "a try".

  6. ronny rockel wont compete, it was an april fools joke, thats why he mentioned standing next to shawn ray

  7. Apart from Big Ramy I can’t remember the last time a pro had oversized quads or legs. In virtually every case they are significantly undersized. That should be a clue to EVERY pro. Even Nick Walker is late to make this recognition.

  8. watching the "news" about Brians leg is like watching "Titanic" – you know already that the ship will sink at the end of the movie. And with Brian – we already that he is fully recovered and back to full strength. Why we know that, because his last couple of videos have been trainingsvideos where he outperformed Trey Mitchell, Bobby Thompson, Evan Singleton and Kevin Faires. No worries about Brians leg – he is back and full prepared. BS looks really good this year.

  9. These daily updates from Nick is like daily Bodybuilding current affairs for bodybuilding enthusiasts like me. Always watches these videos daily and Daily workout and daily these videos are the two things i never miss no matter how busy i get in my work. Thanks Nick for providing these daily updates. Love Bodybuilding and love your channel. Sending lots of love and good wishes your way from India.

  10. Funny, just saw a video from today where Ronny Rockel basically said that he would not in a million years do the masters. I think the message was on April fools day. German is my mother tongue which helps a lot Nick 😂

  11. I'm all for the having the Masters at the Olypmia. Whoever they invite I'm sure they will be phenomenonal on stage. I doubt they that the Olympia would just put anyone on the stage.

  12. Nick, Cellulitis is strictly a skin infection, it does not affect the blood and in no way necessary is amputation, nick the things you say are really out in left field which is why I don’t make it a priority to watch your videos and or bodybuilding news

  13. It actually was an April fool by Ronny, he won't compete in the masters olympia

  14. Can you talk about "Joan Pradells "? please, I need to know your expections and comments about his physique, He'll to compete in 2mounths. thanks your videos are real good and entertaining.

  15. @nickstrengthandpower I understood the post of Ronny Rockel as an April's Fool

  16. I hope the Maters continues beyond this year but if they don't figure out how to attract bigger names I suspect it won't last long.

  17. I wanted to get into bodybuilding but after all the deaths of young bodybuilders dying and not even placing high and they take everything seriously to the T training, eating and everything In between and to no avail

  18. Ronnie Rockel make a Joke ,a 1.April joke…He will Not take Part in the Masters olympia…unfortunately

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