Golf Players

Triceps Training Mistakes (Avoid These!) | IFBB Pro Justin Shier’s Training Tips | HOSSTILE

IFBB Pro Justin Shier shares the do’s and don’ts of triceps training to help you get the most out of each exercise.




  1. I feel catfished by the thumbnail, was expecting a sliced and sleek Justin but I open the video and he is tubby af!
    Kidding! Us little people need to know what it takes to get get big😅

  2. Looking small bro. Jk haha. So excited to see you compete with the pros. I'm from the OR Coast only a few hours from you man so I am cheering you on! Been fun watching you the past couple years.

  3. I have to lean forward or my arms are at a 45 degree outward because my lats dont allow my arms to go straight down. In order to have a natural elbow path I need to lean forward.

  4. Ah, that thumbnail is clickbait. It’s like ordering a strip steak and getting a Big Mac. 😂

  5. Damn, when I saw the thumbnail, I was like, jeez Justin is shreddeeeed. Probably preparing for NY pro 2023 or something. Until…I started the video…Justin is still in the fluffy phase🧐🧐🧐

  6. So many people in the gym rob themselves of a better physique due to poor execution. Justin will look crazy when peeled again.

  7. Can Justin show us some moves to replace a nautilus row? Other than a dumbbell overhead row?
    Thanks for the vid I’m chasing symmetry in my triceps rn 🙏🏼

  8. Love this. Justin is a great athlete and I respect what he has to say. Would love to see more of these where the athletes explain the correct positioning and execution of an exercise. Not just for me but for people who go to the gym I use so I can just tell them to watch these videos because they don't listen!!! 😉

  9. i lol'd on the part to save energy lower the pulley, meanwhile ppl in the gyms these days spend 4 to 5hrs socializing, posing, recording themseves and just hanging out, your average gym goer doesnt have any concept of energy costs.

  10. Justin you have now grown to the level that your head looks small on your body. 😆 And I mean that in the nicest possible way. 👍
    Always enjoy your videos. Good job bro.

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