Golf Players

Coach’s Profound Racism EXPOSED in Disgusting Videos

Mark Taylor, a football and track coach out of Georgia recorded himself being an unabashed racist in a series of bizarre videos. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. You should look up the meaning of confidant. He took kids to those schools for their visits. He was nothing more than a chauffeur for kids he was training. Coaches take pics with recruits and their entourage. Most likely they don’t even know his name.

  2. He said he want a red bone & a white girl 😂😂😂😂😂 he sound like a nigga to me…

  3. Everywhere I go in America all I see is white people they own most of the businesses they own most of the land so white man you have plenty of other places you can go where you won't see any black people at all and we all know how they acquired all of their possessions if you don't know I will help you violence bloodshed and slavery

  4. The one good thing the Trump presidency did was bring people like this out of hiding. There are a lot of them. Some right now are your 'buddies' when they're in front your face. Once your back is turned..look out!!

  5. Not even offended by that fool, the offenses are racist politicians and law enforcement. End their careers

  6. 0:41 Didn’t he just say, you and * need to some up here and go hunting? Hunting for what? Hunting with what? Is he soliciting murder?

  7. This ain't your country either buddy, this is certainly NOT your city. You just live here. You wanna move? go to Alaska it's snow white, you'll fit there.

  8. Vile racist. What happened? He was so proud of himself spouting all that shit that he got the courage to record it and take it from private to public. Now that other people are getting their say, suddenly he doesn't want to talk anymore and goes into hiding. Suddenly, he's not so proud and brazen.

  9. Surprised to see African Americans in Atlanta. What could he possibly teach children? Gravity via repeated demonstrations of falling on his head?

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