How to Use the Hips in the Golf Swing

In this video, we’re going to be discussing how to use the hips in the golf swing. By understanding how to rotate your hips, you’ll be able to generate more power with your swing and hit the ball further.

If you’re looking to improve your golf game, then this video is for you! By understanding how to use your hips, you’ll be able to generate more power with your swing and hit the ball further. So make sure to watch and learn how to use the hips in the golf swing!


  1. Sorry I missed the live production just watched now! Was busy watching first Blue Jays home game! Great video like always, thanks to you and Nick!

  2. Spring Hill Fl 69 years old. On my birthday in March, I was on track to shoot 77 shot 36 on the front, 10, 11,& 12 holes double and triple bogeys and I still shot 81. I can still hit a driver 260 but sometimes it's off the course. Just yesterday I hit that drive on downhill par 5 down the center line, piped. Lake Jovita Hole 11 is one of the best courses in our area. Beautiful start. It's downhill to the green, all I have to do is send it down range. I take my 3 wood which I normally hit with ease. Pull it left into the trees. I hit 9 iron out with a draw, back into Fairway.. Now I can reach the green with my 5 wood. It was windy. Anyway, I push it right off the green. Flustered, bad lie, and I blade it off the back of green by 5 yards. Now the green is sloping away from me. Total disaster. The par 4 before this hole, in front of a foursome letting us go by, I crushed the driver, 9 iron pin high, and lipped out the putt for birdie. Par 3 after par 5. 180 against the wind, that same 5 wood I just pushed right went like it was on a rope, pin high. Inconsistency is killing me. My whole day was like this. Baffling, to say the least. Which of your videos would you direct me to?

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