Brand New Fitted Clubs Vs New Golf Clubs

Both myself and Ebay Pete have been given BRAND NEW Fitted golf clubs from Mizuno! In this video we show what clubs we have been given and try to determine which clubs will win!

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We bring you fun golf videos with a band of characters for you all to enjoy.

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OMP ► 70 years of Golf Experience & Legendary Golfer –

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Ebay Pete ► The Housewifes Choice & Mid Handicap Golfer –

Stu ► Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown Look Alike

Bry ► European Long Drive Champion –

Peter Finch ► Ex-Professional & Scratch Golfer

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  1. Liam, you and Pete go to these high end golf courses, I'm sure you can negotiate a lower price because of advertising their golf course on your channel and potential new attendees to their course after watching a video of it.

  2. Go and enjoy yourself. You only live once, and for those of us who can not afford these places we can watch you and enjoy the golf

  3. Go to Ireland. Everyone deserves a treat and it will give golfers something to aim for and choose 👍 plus I love watching yourself and eBay

  4. I think you should play all courses. Not just cheep ones. People who can afford them will like to see them.

  5. I doubt if I'll ever get to play these courses, so for me the next best thing will be to watch some other [ average / normal ] golfers play them, you keep me entertained, so just go for it.

  6. Lads, ignore the haters! If you want to go and play some lovely courses in Ireland then you should, expensive or not. I'm already looking forward to the videos!

  7. Please please please do the bucket list courses. I’ll never be able to play them but watching you guys enjoy them on our behalf will be fantastic. 👍

  8. Don’t put off what you might regret later. Go for it! You never know what’s around the corner. I’ve survived a heart attack 22 years ago, mini stroke 11 years ago and a full on stroke of nearly 2 months ago. I don’t play much, but I’ll be on the course a lot more now. Do it👍

  9. Pete, say nitty gritty nitty gritty nitty gritty all you like!! Any patsy who’s offended by this needs serious professional help!

  10. yes Liam you have got to go!! Ireland is on my list!! looks amazing and they will be proper links tracks which Pete will love 😊

  11. Listen Liam get ya sen off (old Yorkshire saying)play where you want don’t be bullied by anybody 👍

  12. Liam, you've worked hard to build a great channel and it is only right that you take advantage of the opportunities that your work has earned you. The fact that you can take your friends on this journey and film it for the Community is the icing on the cake. Life is for living, enjoy yourself.

  13. You do enough cheaper courses to warrant still doing a more expensive course, plus its always nice to mix it up. I personally still enjoy seeing a top course being played

  14. Why would anyone say don’t go?
    Get yourself and Pete over there, enjoy it.
    I’m over at end of June fir 10 days, for a 2 day comp at The K Club, hopefully getting a few more courses in as well.

  15. Liam Go to Ireland. Ring of Kerry is beautiful. Sure the haters can enjoy them through the videos!

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