VLog The Modern pivot is the worst way to swing with

Mike Malaska and others will say things like, “Hip pushes”.
To create the tailbone position some think is key.
The modern Pivot and the grip creates difficulty by default so you now will usually develop, Over the top, early extension and release. Its by default due to your body now has to move 4 different ways.

That is modern golf teaching at its finest creating the swing faults you now try to fix with the same modern teachings….

The hard part is to find evidence and then correlate that evidence and then understand what is taught does not work so well and creates difficult for new members in golf as, its complicated by the teaching.

Your now in trouble as all your knowledge comes from golf channel TV, forums and books that teach the same ideas and ideals that cause you to struggle. Your now basically unable to change your mind about the modern teaching and pivots and grip and start to defend that which you cant coordinate and keep struggling thinking one day you understand its, secret.

Ben Hogan as noted wrote, a good grip to play good golf an then continues to teach the worst way you can hold a club swinging. He simply never understood the golf swing. The evidence is showing that.

I shift to my grip and it becomes, so much easier and now I can do a good golf swing. However people in golf are so deep into the mind-share that this should work and when it never does you still think it will when it never does due to the sheer complexity makes it too difficult.

I am bringing a better way, an easier way to the golf instruction so you can educate yourself and understand that there was no secret just bad teaching.

The video down here shows Mike Malaska saying hip pushes away which is anatomically not possible and will most likely causing you to struggle.
But you do what you want to do, right?

additional Philips story should be a good warning sign