Fixing Common Shooter Mistakes:Grip & Grip Strength | Tactical Rifleman

Everyone wants to be fast. Okay, I agree with the need for speed. However, no matter how fast you squeeze the trigger, you are not going to get followup hits if you can’t manage recoil.
-Accuracy is Most Important
-Speed is important, but not at the expense of Accuracy
-Slow is smooth, and smooth is Fast
– Until you get good… then Slow is Slow, and Fast is Fast
-You can’t Miss fast enough to Win
-Most important shot in a gun fight is often the FIRST shot
These are all pearls of wisdom that instructors throw out there to make you shoot better and/or faster. However, what really makes you faster is PROPER TECHNIQUE and lots and lots of practice. You are doing the practice, either dry firing or with live ammo; you just need to tune up your technique.
We tell new students not to grip the pistol too tight, because it tends to make it harder to squeeze the trigger finger smoothly. However, this is because most people have not isolated their trigger finger; conditioning it to work by itself. We are all so used to always grabbing things with our whole hand that all our fingers are used to always working together. We can fix that. However, it takes lots of practice. If you are willing to put in the time, you can retrain your hand. Then, you can crush the gun, managing recoil, while still isolating that smooth trigger pull.
Like a “Golf Pro” fixing your swing, I can’t fix your grip without watching your grip and presentation. So, getting out there and having an instructor watch you will always be the best way to find improvement in your game. However, if you can’t make it to one of our classes, I hope you can get a little bit of improvement out of this video.
Master your firm grip, but also master isolating that trigger finger to move by itself. It must be fast, but more importantly it must be Accurate.
Strength & Honor, TR.

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