Golf Players

It Came Down To The LAST SHOT!!! // The Gauntlet Finale [Ep.7]

Welcome to Experior Golf! This is the finale of the gauntlet, where we have the guys going head to head in the Reverse Mulligan Challenge! How would you do? Comment down below!

Experior Golf:

We hope by watching this channel you’ll learn how to have fun on the golf course even if you stink or you’ve never even picked up a club. Our goal is to show you fun and interesting ways to have a blast with your buddies on the golf course. Let us know what you’d like to see next.


  1. Great series, right up until y'all butchered the whole thing in the last 2 episodes with atrocious basic math

  2. I love your videos guys but please stop filming when you don't have an actual camera guy with you. I swear I feel like I'm drunk when I'm watching the videos whenever marks holding the camera.

  3. I know it's become a meme that you all can never keep track of your score correctly, but if I'm being honest, it's affecting my ability to enjoy the videos.
    You do such a great job at getting us to care about the stakes of each of these challenges, but when you miscount or forget who's in what place, it completely diminishes those stakes and my investment goes out of the window. I know I'm not the only one.
    I love the channel and I will keep watching, but I hope you all can put some serious effort into keeping track of the scores in the future. You've personally recognized that it's a problem, but you haven't really done anything to fix it. Just get a notepad or something 😂

  4. One video has the map the next doesn't. Needs consistency in the editing

  5. Even if Brian had outright won this challenge, he still would have lost because both Mark and Sam would have had more than 900 with second place 😅

  6. I don't think it's the stink of failure at all, Pepe Le Lew has charisma. I'd sit down for a beer with Pepe any day!

  7. Wait Bryan was at 500 points from the end of last video how did he start with 400 this video

  8. You guys are so bad at math. You didn't finish the challenge. If sam missed, they would have tied and went to a playoff

  9. I don't know about you guys, but even with the score flashing up on the screen, you had me confused…

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