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Kay Goes at Yankees fans again! This Time because of Aaron Hicks!

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Michael Kay on his ESPN show goes at Yankees fans again. This time its because of the booing of Aaron Hicks. Pete Simonetti reacts and isn’t too happy about it.

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  1. When I say I never call for someone to be fired Im talking about a broadcaster / someone who gives opinions to be clear. 100% I believe Boone and Cashman should have neen fired multiple times as their jobs depend on results and performance.

  2. I have never seen a baseball announcer be so against the home fans like Michael K. He has been criticizing them for years and a lot of times he gets nasty about it . He is the ultimate company man.

  3. sometimes i wish Kay would just stick to annoucing, the yankkee broadcast is great, but yeh these takes on Hicks are laughable.

  4. No offense but when u met him didn’t you kiss his ass? It’s kind of weak to go at him through the YouTube vids constantly. U did the same last year. Just my opinion though

  5. The fist caller right after Kay spoke said exactly what you said Pete. And Kay said it was a fair point. FYI.
    Don Lagreca said similar things to your point also.
    The bigger point is why Hicks is crying to the media in the first place?!
    Go to the manager or GM! If you don't like the response, ask for a trade or to be released. Be a man!

  6. wow comparing someone who has sucked horribly for the last few years to a rookie who is just starting. i have not liked Kay for some time now. he talks to fans as if they have no clue what they are talking about. he speaks down to fans as if hes the know it all…..that being said Hicks has done nothing for the last 4 years in pinstripes. He is making millions and yes fans will boo if players dont live up to expectations. His Bat is shameful and his glove in the outfield has been Minor Leagues if at best. Hicks needs to go He is complaining and when given playing time he does absolutely nothing. The fans have carried him for 4-5 years and had enough. oh and i know Kay has come down on fans booing players….yes Mr. Kay its part of the game its national pastime and yeah if im paying 50 bucks for fries and chicken fingers and a beer for 15 bucks as a fan i could cheer or boo as i please Its all part of the game Mr. Kay, ur such a baseball genius you would understand that

  7. Haven't listened to the Michael Kay show in about 15 months as I like Peter and Don, but I am not a fan of Michael Kay.

  8. Hicks is a whining snowflake and a big waste of a roster spot. The simple fact is he cannot be traded because NOBODY wants him.

    Cash-Man and Hicks himself are the ONLY two people who believe this man should still be on a MLB roster…much less the Yankees. One is in denial and the other sees only $$$$$.

    Kay, despite his ludicrous denials, has always been a company man (doing what he is told). When Kay's employer says jump, he jump.

  9. Michael, Michael, Michael. 2 hits is 2 more than Aaron hicks has right now. You are missing the forest through the trees here! This is at least the start of season 3 in a row of just absolutely NO production whatsoever from Hicks. Yankees fans don’t turn on a guy after 6 games. This is 100’s of games of ineptitude. You are dead wrong on this one.

  10. Kay is scared after his little critique of Cashman last year~ he ain't gonna call it straight anymore

  11. I love Michael Kay. However, you are perfectly right here.
    (But lose the language snd you’ll be taken more seriously).

  12. Michael Kay sucks. The guy is a joke. I wish the guy would just go away. I remember distinctly a few years ago, Kay BERATED a caller on his show, after (she) called in to gripe about how bad Gary Sanchez was. He told her she was a baseball idiot. And proceeded to tell her how good he was – and how important he was to the Team. LOL He was KILLING the Team. Caller was spot-on. Kay is a complete moron. Our guy or not….. I can't wait til' he's gone. He's a low-I-Q Dolt, and an embarrassment. I can't watch, or listen to his stupid show.

  13. Kay is a textbook poser. Hicks & his social justice warrior gimmick got old on day one. Pulling himself out of the lineup over what he perceived as racism involving the police a few years ago did me in. Makes more in one game than many do in one year, & he has the balls to complain about being an "oppressed" black man in America. F him.

  14. Hey Pete..I agree wit ya…Michael is very knowledgeable when it comes to baseball…..but at times he talks a lot of stupid shit that never makes any sense….which is why his ratings are lower than a bulls balls…the only guy saving that show is Don La Greca.. without him the Michael Kay show will be a pyle of dog shit in fact Don saved his stupid ass many times before cuz Michael just seems to go overboard on some subjects of conversations…….then you have the dumbest shit he ever came up with….Would ya Wednesday LOL now is that some stupid ass shit or what….idk what to say….

  15. Good video 👍🏼 Michael Kay is a survivor , he’s not going to say anything negative about the Yankees or Aaron Hicks . Its not going to hurt him to state facts about Volpe because Volpe is making the league minimum.. Hicks is a multi million dollar investment the Yankees organization committed to and they seem to stand behind him even though he’s been a disaster. This is an age of political correctness and Michael Kay realizes that and knows where to draw the line . Michael Kay has to be in line with the Yankees organization . You notice Boone is a very crafty speaker (in other words he’s a very gifted bullshitter) and never directly says negative things about anyone but particularly speaking, he always says positive things about Hicks whether he believes it to be true or untrue he says what the organization wants him to say. Everyone says they are trying to trade Hicks so saying negative things coupled with negative Scouting reports (which I’m sure are not 100 percent negative) will not enhance his chances of being moved. Kay knows to go by the “playbook” if he deviates he’s expendable . He nearing the age of retirement. All he has to do is say something out of line and his next segment could be him speaking of retiring after his contract is up . Politics sucks and unfortunately it’s a big factor in professional sports

  16. The reason I have such an issue with Kay is because of how combative he is towards the fans who are not pleased with the FO. He never goes after the FO. He’s basically the attorney for the team against the fans.

  17. I think what consistently bothers me about Kay is that whenever fans call him out on being a Yankee Homer or a Company Man he flies off the handle denying it over and over. But statements like this just reinforce the point that he is exactly what he is. A company man where this organization can do no wrong in his eyes. I can’t ever remember a time where he didn’t defend this organization from some of the terrible moves they made. Even times where you feel like he’s going to say something negative that the organization did, he still tries to sprinkle it in a positive light which just aggravates me. Just admit you’re a company man cash your check and go home. Stop getting upset that we call you on your BS.

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