Golf Babe

Belle Dune Golf Course France Part 2

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Belle Dune Golf Course France Part 2 with Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru and YourGolftravel’s Trent #brick. The guys play around the stunning Belle Dune golf course in Northern France and show you the tree lined and links style golf course. This golf course features amazing contrasts between parkland and link golf holes. Play your best golf and have fun doing so with Mark Crossfield’s fun and easy to watch golf videos.


  1. I do hope there's a part 3 of belle dunes coming up,you haven't shown one my favourite par 5's in golf,double slight dog leg,with final shot to very high plateau green… Be interested to gauge mark and Trents thoughts on their favourite course,it's Belle Dunes for and I've played all those on trip they've posted so far

  2. im not hating, im not! but seriously they must be really easy with the handicaps in aus because i dont consider myself good AT ALL, ive been playing 3 years, dont mean to be cocky or anything but would definitely be a lot better than trent and i play off 18?!! dont get me wrong im not hating on trent i think its great to see a handicap golfer playing in these vids because we all feel his pain!! i just think he shouldnt be playnig off 16, surely you have to agree mark?!

  3. Well my fellow youtube golfers… I need some help. I have been working with pros, no help… My short game is better than ever, I mean making 40 footers on slopes… However, my long game is terrible. 4 iron, MAX 178 yards… Any help? I appreciate it!

  4. Anyone else getting annoyed with Marks "Rubbish Par" comments – Given the USGA say that if you're a single figure handicapper, you're in the top 1% of golfers (in american presumably) – then 99% of golfers would kill to par their way round… 

  5. Trent you should check this video out ^,^y
    ▶ David Leadbetter Golf The Short Game – YouTube

  6. So enjoy these videos, but seriously how does Trent golf with shorts at least 2 sizes to small..or is that the trend in Jolly Ole? 

  7. Trent you need to forget the camera is on you, transfer your weight and face the target on follow through !

  8. Need help, just played my best round ever of 76 but ive come into a new bad habit. I find myself hitting about 2-3 inches behind the ball every time i swing on every shot, tho im strong enough to get through and to the ball to hit it plenty far. i havent changed my ball position or anything in my stance but now i have this problem.. any tips?

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