Full Extension For Long & Solid Shots

Paul Wilson teaches a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing. Free Samples of my Body Swing book & videos here:

In this tip I am talking about full extension for long & solid shots. This is a vital part of what the arms need to be doing in the golf swing. Get this and you will generate way more clubhead speed giving you more distance and as a bonus you will hit the ball solidly.

One of the main swing flaws in amateur swings is a chicken wing. If you are doing a chicken wing you are narrowing your swing arc as opposed to getting full extension. Now, you may have work on this in the past but the problem is that when you get full extension of your arms just past impact and into the through swing this gives you a weird feeling. If this feels weird and you don’t know that, you will go right back to your old swing contracting your arms and never fixing your chicken wing.

So do this full extension drill daily for a while. If so, it will feel normal and you will start to do this when you swing giving you more clubhead speed producing long & solid shots .

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  1. Hello again Paul. Excellent video as always. This kind of implicitly answers one of the questions I had about hip position at different points of the swing. Looks like the hips should be in-line with the club at full extension, or in other words facing the club, then follow through. I've started pushing and push/fading recently, and I think its because my hips are going too much too fast. Would I be correct in this assessment? A video on a swing's timeline would be very interesting.

  2. i like this one! been having issues with irons mostly. thanks Paul, ill give it a try tonight.

  3. Paul- As always a fantastic tip. Can’t wait to try it out when our courses open in Alberta. Thanks 🇨🇦🇨🇦
    P.S. Have you ever posted any tips using a Hybrid club, my worst nightmare.

  4. Can that be too close to the ball also ? How do you judge how far away to stand ? Thanks

  5. Stretch it out and swing it back. Collectively all these little tips give us a good golf swing and improve our golf understanding. We can never get enough of them because golf is a thinking game especially for those who have lots of room for improvement. And these tips get us thinking and give us lots a little aha eureka moments of ok yeah I get it, that makes a lot of sense. I must do that. I only listen to Paul. I resist the temptation to listen to others. In the beginning we listen to anybody and everybody. But like a man who realises he needs to get married instead of chasing every girl in town, he and his new wife have a better life. They become best of friends. And happiness and hope begins to reign. Golf is the same. If you stick to one teacher it’ll improve your focus and you’ll love the game of golf more. But hey if you want the best of the best then there’s Paul. He’s an ace.

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