Golf Players

Why Would You Listen To Will Tennyson?



#gregdoucette #willtennyson #legtraining


  1. Very very good advice. I wish more people would see this! Yes squats are great but for building legs there are much better ways to do it! Hack squats with a band to help with the bottom part of the lift – fantastic advice. This is exactly how I train and my legs have grown massively (30” thighs)

  2. Agree. Great advice. Both these lads are right. I got 33 to 34 inch quads by not actually squatting. I have had 36 before but they was more full and a little watery. i did front squats for reps. always go with a great blood pump. then I’d do leg press but drop sets. then walking lunges or hack squat. Again for reps. people think it’s about lifting the weight. It’s about HOW you lift it. this goes for everything you do. it could be a slight movement in the wrist. Elbow. shoulder. Back knees. and I mean this is the case for even doing any body part. I had thought about doing a YouTube channel. but I’m not really confident enough. I absolutely love helping people and giving advice.

  3. Not going to failure on every set is something I have to learn better. Once I started to push myself to failure, that became my target to stop, and if I feel like I can still go, I'll go. Maybe that's why my strength doesn't really increase. I do build muscle but I feel exhausted and weak so I have to change my ways🥺

  4. I like him but he talks a lot about his bad knees for a guy in his 20s – so no probably not going to follow his advice.

  5. Hi coach Greg I just have a question I would like answered please. my question is say for example before you start going gym let's say you can bench a baseline of 60kg and then after 6 months of going to the gym consistently you can now bench 100kg. If you were to take a 1 year break from working out at the gym obviously there would be a decrease in strength but would your new baseline strength be 60kg again like before you started working out or would it have increased to like 65-70kg I'm just curious. Thank you

  6. Will is very grounded and an inspiration to what's achievable without PED's, just commitment to the cause 😍

  7. I've been doing full body 3x per week for years, never stopped. And also I stretch before and after the training.

    Every now or then there is a new crowd of guys laughing at me. They come and they go or they're coming for a couple of months and then have to take a break. They see me doing a ton of pull ups and they dismiss it because I'm small. They see me deadlift 2.5x bodyweight for reps and they dismiss it because I'm short.

    Only after a while they start asking me questions, and every time I respond with: "I can give you my advice but I'm not doing anything right, everything I do is based on feeling and Idk. how many sets I'm doing, I will keep repeating my routine until my muscles feel like they can do more. Some days it will be more, some days it will be less. But the main thing is consistency (not getting injured) and working harder than last time…"

    I don't care if I'm only doing 5-6 very basic exercises, I'm doing them all the time and I never stopped and never will stop.

    I've noticed a terrible trend however. There are many new guys, training for a couple of months, trying to beat me at what I do because they are 20kg bigger or taller or whatever. I'm only 167cm at 72kg (fairly low body fat, abs and veins always visible). And when they can't lift what I lift, they start asking me questions.

    People can't recognize a regular natural gym goer anymore. You can have a top 1% phisique, yet people may still ask you if you're doing any sports or going to the gym (especially younger generation). Their perception of reality is totally screwed.

  8. A lot of people get lower back pain from squats simply because they are doing low bar with posterior chain emphasis.

  9. The answer is no you dont listen to Will. You listen to proven coaches like Milos.

  10. He trains once a leak @ 1.16 does he Greg. His bladder must be ready to burst leaving it that long 😄

  11. I love that Greg make it's very clear that genetics play a BIG ROLL in fitness. Be careful, I just saw a story about a kid who had sickle cell and died doing a 500 rep squats

  12. Hey Greg. On the note of not laying down after doing intense cardio, I have found some instances in which doing so is generally better for recovery. A while ago I was doing some very intense boxercise, to the point where sometimes by vision would blur and darken from the intensity. During these moments I found that laying down with your feet up actually made me feel better almost instantly and could continue. The trick is to get up slowly, if you jump up you'll get really dizzy really fast.

  13. The way he always throws a promo in his videos was annoying at first but now i respect it

  14. "The hard stuff is the fun stuff. If it is not hard than it is less fun". This is how I view mathematics. If anyone is promising you making math easy, run. They are there to scam you. People who are good at math like that kind of a challenge, just like many people like playing video games that are hard. You don't play video games because they are easy, you play them because they are hard, it is the same for me with math and for coach Greg and exercising.

  15. Machines completely failed my legs for months. I was getting definition but no bulk. 1 week later I started super setting barbell squats (not smith machine) and dumbbell lunges. Packed on so much bulky tissue from those two exercises I never looked at a machine again.

  16. The product placements are getting annoying… Too many greg.. 4 different plugs in a 10 minute video thats about someome else. I get it and no one can stop you i can just say it doesnt entice me to buy anything at this point

  17. Greg , the first formula of turkesterone was good, this second one doesn’t work(ecdy builder). I had bought 3 bottles of both, the second time I keep trying but it didn’t feel like first. First one was so insane that I got good pumps, strength , monstrous appetite and sex drive . So much that I ended up approaching 2 women on streets. They smiled and said I have husband…. The second formula didn’t even cause me to be hungry. Surely it’s not working. Bring back the first one, I am wondering if Ashwagandha was the main thing, or maybe combination of it causes synergic effect.

  18. The real question is, why would you listen to bodybuilders and fitness industry? I would listen to what this guy has to say who got his physique from actual natural hard work and dedication over people that need to abuse drugs and lie about it to get their physiques

  19. Already dropped 14kg still going strong. My abs are finally starting to show. Thanks for everything greg

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