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Our First Mock Draft

Our First Mock Draft. It’s NFL 2023 Mock Draft season! The NFL is considering a European division. Tom Grossi & Brandon Perna of ThatsGoodSports discuss all the NFL news. GPS The Grossi Perna Show.

#nfl #mockdraft
ThatsGoodSports: ​
Tom Grossi:


  1. Finally a video where you guys don't harp on Lamar Jackson. The guy's like the 8th best QB in the league and he hasn't finished a season in 4 years.

  2. I watch GPS on this channel because of bullying like the opening segment.
    -1 view for Tom.

  3. I’m at the end of my rope Perna. Give me tennis rankings this fucking minute.

  4. used 1 hour for 15 min. of information . maybe you should edit your video for focus and unnecessary silly chatter. thanks for the video anyway.

  5. I mean it's all speculation at this point, Levis could be the second coming of Tom Brady but I don't see it. I hope they go for Gonzalez at 7, assuming Richardson isn't there since Stroud and Young will be gone for sure

  6. Garrett Williams great pick!! Coming from a cuse fan ( he is coming off all but would be solid 2r if didn't get hurt

  7. I love how they always show their hate for Seattle and remind us, that without Seattle this show wouldn’t exist. So… everyone should always thank Seattle for all that the Seahawks have given us. All hail the Seahawks.

  8. Clickbait Sports is going into a slightly more professional show as GPS is going into a less professional show and its perfect.

  9. I’m surprised that I seem to be the only one mocking Brian Branch to the Patriots. A versatile guy at a position of massive need AND he’s from Alabama.

  10. Big fan of both of you guys from Vegas 👋🏻. Just jumping in to say that the Vipers play on a field that is primarily used as a soccer field for our MLS team, that’s why it’s not as good as the other XFL team fields. They couldn’t find another place to play this season. Anyways, love you guys! Keep up the great content! Broncos rule, Raiders drool!

  11. As a Seahawk fan I get a sick pleasure from listening to you both scorn Seattle

  12. As a Hawks fan, this is the best show to watch and love someone for they hating your team. 🤣.

  13. The Falcons deciding between Tyree Wilson and Christian Gonzalez is my dream cause i would love either of those players. That being said the Falcons haven't been in the Top 10 in sacks since 2004 so passing on Tyree Wilson would be foolish. I say Tyree Wilson at 8 is the right move and hope the Miami (FL) Corner Tyrique Stevenson is still there in the second round

  14. Not a chance the Raiders take Levis. You guys are letting your dislike for the Raiders fog your brain. Did you even watch his pro day, he looked terrible.

  15. The Ravens literally said their drafting a wr again.Dont overthink it.Cb would be the only exception I would think.

  16. Anyone else know much about the saints here? Because why does it say that two of their needs are CB and center? They extended Erik McCoy last year and he’s really good and they have a veeeery deep cb room????

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