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Are Oasis Getting Back Together? | Gordon Smart | The Big Jim Show

Could Oasis be getting back together? Former editor of the Scottish Sun, Gordon Smart, talks about his wild parties with Noel Gallagher, and whether he thinks Oasis are getting back together!

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  1. It'll happen. It'll happen as long as knobs like Gordon Smart aren't allowed anywhere near backstage. Liam hates these kinda people and so do I. All this guy did was tell you about how much he knows Noel Gallagher, no wonder Noel finally got fed up with him. 6:20 if you're interested

  2. So many people blame Liam for everything. Yeah, he's definitely not a saint, and says some stupid shit, but Noel is an arrogant prick, and was at least half the problem between the two. Liam hasn't forgotten where he came from. Noel has gone Hollywood and acts as if he had been knighted by the Queen. "Have his people call my people"- NG . What a dick! LOL

  3. There would be a lot to a reunion. Just getting through a few weeks rehearsals would probably be impossible. Though not as epic as performing live, going into the studio and recording a new song might be more doable.

  4. Couldn't make Irvine beach, so my 1st Oasis gig was Jan. 22nd 1996 at Ingliston with Ocean Colour Scene as support. Went on to see them 12 times! Noel again in June in Austin TX, since he's not coming to Houston.

  5. Great interview. I agree, I think they'll do it next year or 2025.They have the amorphous androgynous stuff, the death in vegas remixes and a lot of unreleased music. A trippy psychedelic double album and then quit? They'd sell bazillions and then disappear back to there status as mere icons :).

    'Domestic relations' is a very astute observation. That's about as big of a motivator as there can be.

    My theory is: Noel's divorce might just cost him half of everything he's earned since he married Sara plus £thousands a month until the children are a certain age, plus either a house or money for a house. Depends what the prenup says.

    Assumption 1: Noel's done something wrong repeatedly – like disappearing for days when he's needed at home and turning up useless drunk. She's warned him, but he's still up to it, and she's left, taken the kids and the lawyers have been instructed. Silly boy.

    Assumption 2: She's done nothing to instigate the situation, and is essentially wronged by his behaviour. There is a catalogue of misadventure in the public domain already – he's a huge rock star – so we know which way a court case would go. She asks for a divorce, and he offers her a settlement. She ends up suing for half of everything he earned while they were married. He would also have maintenance payments of £thousands for years, not to mention ongoing bills of his own. Half of his income, investments and cash that's not liquid, or assets that can be sold, could potentially go under the hammer to raise that settlement.

    He could think: 'well, I'm still ok, I'll just buy another house, take the hit and move on.' But he looks like a man who would brood over that. He has a big ego and a desire to win out over people. He controls the narrative and dictates everything around him. They called him the Chief, after all. He threatens people with the sack as a joke, but actually fires people if needs be, and is very single-minded.

    Once the dust has settled, he might need the money, then. He has a reason to ask a record company for one, fuck-off payday, once he can be certain that most of it won't get swallowed by the lawyers. That tour would be designed around earning money. It would be similar to the Roses reunion – huge dates in the UK, then some European headline slots, a couple of weeks in America and done. Following that he could do as he chooses: nobody would expect more Oasis, and he could point to one last hurrah and be happy with his pile of dough.

    With Noel, the 'mystery' is often hidden in plain sight. He has repeatedly said things like: 'hahaha, I'd do it… for £100m.' Like it could happen, and there's an amount that could trigger a reunion. He knows it's a possibility that he might have to push the button, and notably hasn't slagged Liam off for some time. I wouldn't be surprised.

  6. How awful would it be… You miss oasis.. Good.. I miss The
    Jam but no way do I want them playing stadiums to rake in the cash…

  7. My personal opinion which means nowt, is that they shouldn’t reform.

    You could never recapture that moment in music history.
    I have a lame theory about the Beatles and why they remain the greatest band of all time. It’s not only due to the quality of their work, it’s because they never came back (they couldn’t) and left us wanting more.

    If Oasis reformed, how would that go down? Would you get a load of people turning up just to say they went for the social media likes? Which version of Oasis would they be because there was different eras and different members.

    Then you’ve gotta look at their personal peak moment. Knebworth in 96. All of them were on it. I’m not sure if it’s every been said but Noel grafted and nailed his role in that band. I believe THAT is his gift. The man behind the curtain from The Wizard of Oz.

    I’m not saying the brothers shouldn’t work together again on something but it’s weird how people are forcing it on them. We’re basically saying, “just forget all that” like they’re court jesters. That all needs to be settled privately (if possible) and then a few years after that, work together.

    On top of all that, look at their record sales for 2022. Why bother with all the hassle when records are selling. They don’t need the money in that respect, they both have solo careers and are still making headlines. That’s a business right there.

    Some brassic lads with time on their hands pulled off one of the greatest music industry heists. The brains was a genius who could reverse engineer songs and make them his own. They broke into the charts and basically Noel was like, “yeah we did it. It’s us” to the sherif of Nottingham. “You caught us red handed but you can’t do f_all because me and my merry men have also stolen the hearts of the people. Now though should do one my good sir”.

    They went in hard, never took their foot off the pedal until eventually, they were going down hill, heading towards a firework factory, no breaks, stuff was flying off, missing a wheel all whilst on fire. And that’s that story should end.


    I grew up in the Shawe and can relate to their early years. I think I’m about 13 years younger than Noel but how you describe him, his sharpness, his ways and kindness is typical of our area. I swear down I met him once for a minute or two but it didn’t go well. Funny story though because my dad was a crazed City fan and when I told him what was said, he was in a strop with be for a bit. Classic.

    P.S. Did you ever get that Slade CD?

  8. Best interview ever. You give an incredible insight into Noels character. Tgank you. X

  9. Just a thought Gordon… look up ‘humility’ in the dictionary 🤦🏻

  10. 2014 is 30th anniversary of DM. Of course, it's happening. But I hope the reunion includes a new studio album not just the biggest tour of the year.

  11. Ignore Gordon Smart, works for a rag paper that hates the working class. Liam hates him so he has no insight

  12. In the end, Noel and Liam don't want to anymore because there is so much pressure from outside about a possible reunion. And then if they just do it for a sack full of money, it's kind of forced. It's basically as good as it gets with Noel's HFB and Liam's solo stuff, while the Oasis myth lives on forever

  13. Oasis reunion ? It’s quite possible , I predict a few nights at Knebworth . Noel going on tour as you know for the next 1.5 years , Liam is reportedly taking a year off , and Noel says they are on better terms 👏🙏 🇬🇧 🎸

  14. Now noel is getting another divorce there is no way he can turn down an oasis reunion. He has to get that bag.💰
    Imagine how much an oasis tour would be worth. Just in the uk alone they could do multiple knebworth gigs and sell out stadiums all around the country.
    I'm guessing they'd do the same in Japan and south America too.

  15. Even if they some miracle get back together, I know of a lot of people who don't want it to happen.. at least not as a permanent reform.. maybe a one off reunion but that's it

  16. They've been fooling people for years about the rift/split and they are nailed on to perform together again

  17. It's a shame it seems Noel is more open about it now…. Without him properly being friends with his brother first. Just in the same way Liam has been for years banging in about being 'ready, got my bags packed' for touring with Oasis again then shuts the door on his brother as soon as he seems more open. Love them but god they are childish

  18. I hope not, reunions are usually a let down, cos they get built up too much by fans longing for it to happen like their life depended on it, then when it eventually happens they don’t live up to the overhyped expectations.

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