Golf Babe

Calm and Relaxing Music from Mario Galaxy Series

Been playing Mario Galaxy on Super Mario 3D All Stars and the music hit me all over again! I hope you enjoy this collection, take care!

0:00 – Rosalina in the Observatory 1 (SMG)
2:24 – Birth (SMG)
4:00 – Luma (SMG)
5:45 – Cosmic Cove Galaxy (SMG2)
9:13 – Space Fantasy (SMG)
11:10 – World 4 (SMG2)
13:31 – Drip Drop Galaxy (SMG)
14:46 – Ice Mountain (SMG)
16:14 – Sad Girl (SMG)
17:49 – File Select (SMG)
19:25 – Observation Dome (SMG)
21:18 – Green Star (SMG2)
23:19 – Gateway Galaxy (SMG)
25:17 – The Luma and the Hat (SMG2)
27:05 – Sweet Mystery (SMG2)
29:38 – Beta (SMG2)
33:00 – Space Junk Galaxy (SMG)
36:15 – A Chance to Grab a Star (SMG)
37:07 – Star Child (SMG)
37:54 – Beta 2 (SMG2)
39:49 – The Library (SMG)
40:44 – An Unknown Star (SMG2)
42:04 – Pipe Interior (SMG)
42:45 – Rosalina in the Observatory 2 (SMG)
45:05 – World 3 (SMG2)
46:57 – Slimy Spring Galaxy (SMG2)
48:28 – Beginning Worlds (SMG2)
50:33 – [*Repeat Tracklist*]

Art by Beans on Tumblr []


  1. Here’s the tracklist for your mobile usage!
    0:00 – Rosalina in the Observatory 1 (SMG)
    2:24 – Birth (SMG)
    4:00 – Luma (SMG)
    5:45 – Cosmic Cove Galaxy (SMG2)
    9:13 – Space Fantasy (SMG)
    11:10 – World 4 (SMG2)
    13:31 – Drip Drop Galaxy (SMG)
    14:46 – Ice Mountain (SMG)
    16:14 – Sad Girl (SMG)
    17:49 – File Select (SMG)
    19:25 – Observation Dome (SMG)
    21:18 – Green Star (SMG2)
    23:19 – Gateway Galaxy (SMG)
    25:17 – The Luma and the Hat (SMG2)
    27:05 – Sweet Mystery (SMG2)
    29:38 – Beta (SMG2)
    33:00 – Space Junk Galaxy (SMG)
    36:15 – A Chance to Grab a Star (SMG)
    37:07 – Star Child (SMG)
    37:54 – Beta 2 (SMG2)
    39:49 – The Library (SMG)
    40:44 – An Unknown Star (SMG2)
    42:04 – Pipe Interior (SMG)
    42:45 – Rosalina in the Observatory 2 (SMG)
    45:05 – World 3 (SMG2)
    46:57 – Slimy Spring Galaxy (SMG2)
    48:28 – Beginning Worlds (SMG2)
    50:33 – [*Repeat Tracklist*]

  2. I decided to revisit both Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 after 12 years and it felt good. I haven't felt that happy playing a game in a while. Forever one of my favorites.

  3. Only the people that played this as a kid will understand how incredible these games truly were. The amount of nostalgia is tearjerking.

  4. Frosty day of December 2010, 10-years old me sitting in front of the old kinescope TV enjoying SMG O.o

  5. I still remember my dad buying SMG 1 the day it came out when I was only 3 years old. Him getting that game still remains one of the best parenting decisions he’s ever made. This game and soundtrack will forever hold a special place in my heart and I would consider it to possibly be the best game of all time in my opinion. There’s really no other game that comes close to how perfect this game is. From the gameplay, to the music, the story, it’s all just too good. I’d do anything to go back and be 3 years old again just for 1 day so that I can experience this game for the first time again. Hopefully one day in the future I’ll be able to play another game that gives me the same feeling and experience that this one did 🥲

  6. Damn you dammit. I tried to fall asleep to to your video but instead I broke down into tears from nostalgia in the first 2 minutes. So really thank you but now I can’t sleep cause I’m crying.

  7. I remember how magical it was to play this game when I was a kid. I remember not stressing or feeling pain, the only worry I had was making it to school on time. Getting home and playing Mario galaxy in my sisters room is such a strong feeling for me, reminds me of the nights when I would steal her iPod to listen to music and fall asleep. Being more mature and grown has its benefits but living without stress and depression was the best thing ever. If you are young please enjoy the time you have before you are working a job and dealing with unsurpassable situations and circumstances.

  8. This brings me back to the Christmas after this game came out. I remember Christmas shopping with my parents trying this game out in Walmart with my younger brother.. I remember the wii feeling so futuristic and different. We got the wii with this for Christmas that year and it was one of my favorite memories. The GameCube was definitely more of my childhood but this game and the wii were kind of the ending chapter to being a kid for me. The melancholy soundtrack in this game fits that perfectly. My parents are no longer together and my family is pretty spread apart but I loved those times and I’ll definitely always remember them

  9. I don't think I've played either of these games in a little over 11 years. Yet despite only really remembering the opening scene from I think the second one with all the tiny stars falling to the ground and Mario just running around so care-free amongst them… Really makes me miss those days.

  10. Sitting back and listening to this music reminds me of back when I was a child and it was Christmas Eve. We got to open our most expensive Christmas gift on the 24th (as is family tradition), and to my delight, inside that gift wrapped cardboard box was a wii with a few games including Mario Kart Wii, PokéPark, Wii Sports, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy. I was so happy and full of life when I sat down and played it for the first time, such times those were.

  11. i remember as a kid replaying only the bee level repeatedly because i thought stomping the boulder and getting the bee power up was peak

  12. I am sad that unless I buy that big bundle I cannot play this again and right now I can only purchase the vastly overpriced physical copies. It would be worth it, though. Super Mario Galaxy is something I need to play again before I die.

  13. Isn’t it cool how people from all aspects of life have played this game ?

  14. mario galaxy is one of the reasons why i like space. the mystery in it and how far it stretches out. especially the stars, thinking they're little creatures in the sky that are birthed once others die. and to think there might actually be other lives being lived out in the infinite void of space

  15. Oh, this gives me such a nostalgic feeling. Hits hard, I still remember the day I bought my first Wii console together with Super Mario Galaxy back in 2008. Beautiful memories :')

  16. At the end of seventh grade, one of my closest friends moved away. The last day we ever saw eachother, we played this game together. I wonder how she’s doing now, if she remembers how much we struggled with that cookie galaxy comet that day, and if she knew I loved her so much.

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