Golf Players

Shocking Crime CAUGHT On Bar Security Camera

Carson Briere, the son of NHL great and Flyers GM Daniel Briere, was allegedly caught on a bar’s security camera committing a shocking crime. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. Can we also talk about this “Friend” of his, who Carson is clearly a follower of because it’s clear he told Carson to do that as if it was some joke… btw Carson should technically be getting locked up for this, he definitely damaged the wheelchair and possible part of the staircase of the bar

  2. Carson should be removed from the team and school for that. Now the person that owns the chair is out of a chair to get around. This would be like someone driving our vehicle off a cliff. What if at the time as he pushes the chair down and someone turns the corner then what??? He should be discipline!!I 😢😮😢

  3. Where's the disabled person & friend getting the wheelchair? I need to see more evidence….. This seems like some possible Bubba Wallace Jussie Smollett media attention whore scam. Step #1 Film some drinking college kids throw a wheelchair down some stairs. Step#2 create some storyline Step#3 create GoFundMe & grift half a million dollars by tugging at heartstrings. They GoFundMe page is by an anonymous person, how convenient…. I could be wrong but I smell a garage door pull rope like scam.

  4. Read his statement; had zero remorse, just about his reward if he “behaves” while he’s part of a program. Sounds like he’s a natural jailbird. No remorse in his statement whatsoever. No team needs a person who hadn’t developed a conscience of empathy by that age. All he talks about is his fum and made a better hockey player, not human being. I’m sure other hockey players didn’t appreciate his representation of hockey.

  5. Per Federal Law, it is against the law to operate a business establishment in non-compliance with the ADA. Per law, the bathrooms must be wheelchair accessible and per this post, they are clearly not. Should be reported for this illegality.

  6. What the hell is wrong with people nowadays??? This kid destroyed what was basically the disabled person's spare legs that they needed for mobility. Mobility that is now destroyed, because the disabled person will probably not trust being around able-bodied people who have already shown how cruel they can be.

  7. I can’t think of a better way to announce to the world that I’m an immature little A-hole who just lost his hockey career & all respect. He should be criminally charged!!!!! His complicit friend too as it looks like he participated in this disgusting display of lake of empathy.

  8. These two stupid kids should be out of team, school and time to pay for her new wheelchair. Not cheap…

  9. This kid should not be let go for this. He should be put in his place before he does something a lot worse. What an idiot to put it mildly.

  10. If you watch her statement, she said when security at the bar, ask for him to apologize, when he apologized at the bar that it wasn't sincere. But now It is public he is groveling, what a fake guy. They need to bann him from hockey. If I was a college I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole, and if he plays again, I wouldnt watch his games. What a lousy human being, along with his friends with him..

  11. A grown ass man behaving like a 5 yr old kid. Fkn embarrassment to his family. Maybe re-raise your kid, Danny.

  12. This immature so-called man needs someone to teach him one of those lessons he will never forget.

  13. This is a very definition of entitlement……

    It is disgusting and angering, to see some worthless jock, show his complete arrogance and self-indulgence. By his gross disrespect for another person's property, by damaging it, with impunity.
    Institutions of higher education, should be far less concerned about non-essential programs and activities, which, more often than not, attract the most useless human refuse. Who care nothing about education…… Preferring to take the road to an even more useless "Professional Sports Contract"….. Assuming that such a brain-damaged failed abortion, can even succeed at such a thing!!!!
    I predict, that this example of defective sperm, twice over. Will, in all likelihood, end up in prison, dead, or both!
    That would be a fitting end to such a large turd….. To get flushed out of existence!!!
    Have the fun while you can, asswipe!!!!
    Just so you know, that's not a threat……
    But a possibility with a high likelihood of coming true.

  14. Would anyone react differently if, instead, it was a pair of crutches?
    I would be more offended if a handicap person was in the wheelchair.

  15. Unless the stairs are designed with a chair lift, how does it get up and down anyway? The user will still have to be carried everywhere. That's not my take on this but it is a valid point.

  16. Who gives a crap about his sports record……let's talk about his character………he is a douchebag ❤️☮️🙏

  17. Someone could have been hurt and that disabled girl does not need any of that BS. However, growing up with some friends I have seen this type sociopathic behavior but the same guys have all turned into decent men. I also remember having some urges to do dumb stuff that I never followed through on. I imagine he regrets this situation and I don’t think he should be overly shamed like Brock Turner who deserved to be shamed.

  18. You call this a shocking crime?? What about the black teen who slammed a small Asian woman and paralyzed her?

  19. You can see a person's personality in that one action. Disqualification as a sports player

  20. Worst kind of behaviour. I love drinking with my friends, but we would never do something like this. Alcohol is no excuse, specially when you’re a grown ass adult!

  21. You really consider yourself a big man don't you Carson

    How would you like it if somebody pushed you down the stairs and you're in a wheelchair would you like it just saying

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