Golf Players


The PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE golf comments that need to STOP NOW! I bet that you say so many of these passive aggressive golf comments without even releasing and it needs to stop now!

Golf is generally speaking a friendly game.. or so we thought. I bet you have seen some viral golf course fights recently on twitter, titktok or instagram! but in lrge we are a supportive to out golf mates and a supportive bunch!
The problem is, sometimes you don’t want support on the course. Poor shots and bad breaks need to be treated as such, and a little woe-is-me time is required.

We sometimes hear our playing partners say encouraging comments that aren’t meant to be mean! but when they are said in the wrong vain or at the wrong time they can be frustrating to hear as a golfer.Whether intended or not, they’re passive aggressive.

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  1. Of course it depends on the context as noted, what to make of most of the comments. Typically most golfers are trying to put a positive spin on some misfortune the other player has experienced or is experiencing, or if we catch a break after a less than our best shot. We golfers berate ourselves terribly for every missed shot. It doesn't help if we're too sensitive to comments as well. As for the head games, consider the source and play on. Relax to play golf, does wonders if you remember that little bit of advice.

  2. Hey Alex, nice entertaining video. I'm a fan from the U.S. The one comment I wish all would stop is "you the man" after you hit a pretty decent drive, that's just so damn annoying 😁

  3. In Texas, we go to the golf course just so we CAN talk smack to each other! The game is secondary but is the trigger for the smack talk! 😂😂😂—- chili dip one down the fairway and see what happens!😂😂

  4. "I'll help you find it" is mine…
    Works best if other players tops and only goes a short distance…
    However, I only use once, dont want friendly banter spoiling the game…

  5. Passive aggressive? Are you kidding me…what kind of psycho-babble is this. Some of the comments, however lame they may be, are just meant to be encouraging. Some are sarcastic and meant to test your manhood and they are funny. I’m glad I play with the old guys who appreciate clever remarks. If you put an end to this playful banter, I think I’ll quit playing. Good Lord, man this kind of reparte is what lets me know I’m out with the guys. Do you think Tiger Woods and Justin Thomas whine about passive aggressive comments. Was the article you are referencing written by a Professor at Stanford University?

  6. You would not want to play with our group then, its full on banter and proper at that, comments like "i have a better swing in my back garden" "why not let your caddy put that" "you shit" "even your mom does not pull that hard" etc etc etc With our group there is nothing and i mean nothing that is out of bounds.

  7. I get mocked for only playing solo. I will forfeit my tee time if I have to group up.

    I'm there to be alone and lose myself for a few hours, not to deal with jackasses.

  8. "I'd aim for that tree on the left to account for your slice" after slicing it once through 6 holes. All of a sudden you develop a slice.

  9. I love saying when someone is putting for par…I say that’s a good bogey

  10. If a playing partner hits a wild shot and asks "did you see where that went?", I always reply "no idea, my peripheral vision is not THAT good".

  11. Put your emotions in check and don't let what other people say get under your skin. You'll just play worse as a result. Lighten up! I'd literally laugh if anyone said any of these comments to me

  12. I've heard them all, played poor against a team from another club, one guy says did you get fitted for those clubs!
    played well with another guy from my local club he says I think I must bring out the best of you!(small dig at my handicap).
    What handicap are you! After one good shot.
    I've hit a drive well wide and they say is it better angle in from over there, fine from your mate but not if you don't know them.
    And one I really don't like is theres only you with a shot on this hole, just before teeing off.

  13. My favorite is, " I used to have that model putter. Really liked it. But I couldn't get rid of that little wobble on the takeaway … ."

  14. Making these comments to your friends on the course is half the fun of golf. The fact that people think we shouldn't talk this way among the boys is absurd. Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me. Grow up.

  15. My partner 65 yards from the hole says, "I don't have a 65 yard club."

    I said. "Don't kid yourself. I've seen you hit driver 65 yards plenty of times. "

  16. You two are too sensitive, every sport has competitive banter, ask Bird or Jordan. You guys need new golfing partners.

  17. When you put it in a crappy unraked bunker and moan then your friend says “Well! You shouldn’t have put it there!”
    When you’re playing well, running up a fair score and on the last couple of holes. “You’re having a good round!”

  18. “Take a week off and then quit”, A friends advise after a terrible front 9. Man up gentleman golf can be brutal.

  19. I had a tigers match my opponent asked if I had played his course before I said loads I know the course. He then proceeded to point out the out of bounds on every hole on the 6th he knocked it out of town, and I said best you stop pointing it out it’s not really working for you is it.

  20. Stick to instruction, please. Just because Rick has a podcast doesn't mean every YouTuber has to have one.

  21. Not a passive-aggressive comment, but today every time I got to a green I found that someone had split out their sunflower seed shells, usually within a few feet of the hole and many times in my line. Yea, I liked moving them away, some people are gross pigs.

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