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Fury and Usyk Negotiations Break Down, But What Really Happened?Alexander Krassyuk Tells All!

Fury and Usyk Negotiations Break Down, But What Really Happened?Alexander Krassyuk Tells All!


  1. It’s easy to see in listening to Alexander talking the pride and dignity in Ukrainian people and their resilience in the face of Russian tyranny

  2. For a man to claim Jesus Christ is my lord and saviour fury sure does not act like it or behave like it.

  3. at the end of the day they pulled out ….. they could have stuck in there to get what usyk apparently wants….. and get the chance to punch tyson in the face a lot…..

    the whole things stinks to high heaven

  4. He really annihilated Fury here whew. That fight will never happen

  5. Dubois and Hrgovic are useless fights. I would like to see Usyk fight Wilder next. It is much more interesting and will generate a lot more money too

  6. Great interview . Even though you know Alex is being VERY DIPLOMATIC and I think we all know he really wants to say that fury is an asshole and a ducker and totally unreasonable

  7. I believe Tyson Fury wants to retire undefeated reasons why he doesn’t want to fight Oleksander Usyk. And I don’t see anybody in the heavyweight division that can take those Belts from Usyk. Usyk doesn’t want to be a superstar,all he wants is the Belt for the undisputed not the money. Tyson Fury knows Usyk will put the L on his record for sho.

  8. ""We took proper decission". He doesn't even understand that he saved Tyson with it. Not trained, bluffing, talking. Should give him anything he wants and see what happens. If he says no embaresment, if he say yes, which is allmost impossible to say if you are unprepared for fight, then Usyk bit him and that's it. Fight will never happen, bcs Fury is smart enough to undetstan how good Usyi is. Not the same level. Retire…. he will.

  9. Tyson put on every on the line and was guaranteed 70 % of the biggest fight in recently history for the chance to win 3 belts and become undisputed. The only explanation was that he was so afraid of loosing his one belt and his reputation to the person he called a rabbit, midleweight, not worthy etc. There is bo excuse for what Fury did.
    He is a disgrace to the sport and to boxing fans including his own fans.

  10. This is the same guy who said Whyte was sparked by a push. Hates the Fury's guts. Obsessed. 😂 What happened was gappy teeth pulled out twice because he didn't get a rematch clause. 💀

  11. Team Usyk: we don't want a rematch clause, we don't fight for money
    Also Team Usyk: we are pulling out unless we get our rematch clause and 70/30 reversed.

    😂 This Ukrainian melt as retarded as gappy teeth and this love island reject. Usyk was gonna get killed.

  12. Fury doesn't want the fight he had no sparring partners…. Neither did Usyk 🕵️. Fury doesn't want the fight he's looking for a way out…Usyk backs out🕵️. Fury doesn't want the fight he's overpricing himself… Krassyuk admits he's the bigger draw.

    Honestly the amount of blind sheep that are reluctant to look at both sides and give Usyk a pass because he's Ukrainian is mind boggling

  13. This interviewer never interrupted the subject
    (Quite refreshing).
    This man's English is pretty good.
    I believe everything he has to say,and nothing coming out of the Fury camp.
    Integrity rare in the fight game.
    Anyone who believes the hype that Usyk can't win this fight should check the Fury/Wallin match.
    A southpaw without Usyk skills who gave him fits.

  14. Total respect for this man .usyk is a warrior and fights for legacy . Fury is a disgrace to boxing ducking again .He’s avoiding usyk because he knows usyk is the boxer that shows no fear of him . Furys a coward ducking this fight .

  15. why should usyk be punished for fury's drama? fuck off

    anyone who doesn't hold fury accountable is equally to blame. the reason this shit always happens in boxing is because no one holds the ducking fighter accountable.

  16. I believe every word Alex says – If he is not being truthful he needs to go to Las Vegas and play poker and be the best in then world. I like your style FOTIP and have subscribed and clicked the Notification for ALL.

  17. I like these Ukranians in Usyk's team, they come across very well & I strongly suspect they could say a lot more. It's hard to accept our fella is the bad guy, the liar but it is just as hard to disagree with Alex. John Fury is strangely quiet as well !!

  18. Что за бред Красюк несет? он же раньше говорил, что из реванша, потом говорил, что они согласились на 70/30 , запизделись вы товарищи!

  19. Even the thickest Fury fan gurls, that's the majority of them, must surely see thru the gypsy queens bs.

  20. Could lister to this manager all day. He could fit into the John Wick world – lives by respect and honor and honesty.

    Bring on Usyk vs AJ 3.

    This interview alone will destroy Fury mentally – everybody knows Fury is living in AJ shadow.


  22. Fury has zero credibility left now and the majority of fans have finally seen him for what he is a loudmouth liar who picks his opponents and uses social media to con everyone. The fanboys he has left are suffering from cognitive dissonance. To anyone who still believes Fury I ask this one question… Would you like to buy some magic beans?

  23. True gypsy's who fight for honour an family name set a time an place an if one guy is a no show on the the day that's seen as a loss to the guy who didn't turn up an yet we have fury calling himself the gypsy King which is making a mockery of a proud heritage.

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