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Major Racial Discrimination Lawsuit Rocks The Sports World

In a massive story out of the college football world, the University of Iowa has just settled a lawsuit with 12 former Hawkeyes football players over racial discrimination they faced while in the program. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. Damn. I actually met the Chris Doyle coach on a couple of occasions. I graduated the same year as one of his sons and was on the same wrestling team as one of his younger sons almost a decade ago. I never realize how racist Iowa was in general until I left it.

  2. @ 1:20
    Why does the pic of a Becky happily cutting a brothe'rs locs , goes ahead to title it as a symbolic of change and their desire for a better life.
    That kind of manipulative thought is that of none other than white babble.
    How does cutting locs equate to a better life.
    Fk u

  3. Black prospects don't tell each other about programs like U of Iowa? To avoid schools like this? If the coach is racist, then he's not going to assist the black players either to drafts for the professional sports leagues or with their academic careers.

  4. This is what you would call control from the white man and we are not to say nothing just jump when they say jump those days are over yes they are ..Cut the young man's hair some nerve of you all…The lord will make a change..🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. It seems to me that a lot of companies and organizations will rather pay millions than get rid of the problem.

  6. See what happens to us, when we wear our hair in the culture in which we live, that's why it's an issue when white people wear braids. They don't have the same problem.

  7. Sometimes you just gotta punch someone in the mouth 😂never comply with racist kid or not tell them go fuck they momma when they uncle get finished with her 😂

  8. Don't get me started. Nothing wrong with their hair. Beautiful they all are. It is all a control game being played. Justice received. Now players should be able to wear their dreads or braids. Really the coaches should be fired not able to coach for the racial comments made towards any of the players.

  9. Leave our fucking hair alone!! Sick of the BS azz ignorance.. can't wait for the Messiah's return!! 😠😡👊

  10. At some point, Black folk's must stand up for ourselves and say, uck pink ppl and its sports.
    Its sports will never win any games without Black ppl.
    The way these pink things take pleasure in cutting Black ppls crown of glory is sickening.

  11. Arent these just normal safty rules in sports? e.g. You cannot do wrestling when your head is full of hard plastic balls. Or e.g. you cannot wear earings etc.

  12. These whites people are really sick and triggered by blacks people in general. They have a burning hatred and can’t stand the thought. It’s biblical!

  13. That what happens when you just want to fit in with other when we should have been like the Indians dumb.

  14. U have to understand they just like they parents and they grand parents … demonic and hateful 😅

  15. These folks are born evil God said the wicked and evil shall be cast into hell. They need to sue the crap out of these satanic demonic forces principalities the rule in high heavenly dark place then cast them back to hell where they came from needs to return to and will return to. It’s written so don’t come from me . Go for the Bible


  17. Blacks love throwing out that race card I seen hispanics whites Asians all have braids at one point and had them removed and nobody said anything about race because it’s not about race it’s about hair

  18. These folks are crazy — cutting or frying our hair doesn't change our race. Or do they think our hair is where our source of strength — JUST CRAZY RACISTS!

  19. I went through something similar in highschool I was asked to cut my afro. I Politely said I wasn't planning on cutting it. It never got brought up again.

  20. Will this Bull Shit ever end here in America??? So sick of IT!! GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE because I KNOW IT NEVER WILL

  21. All college coaches are brutal with all their players. College coaches make 6 or seven figures. They protect their salaries. To say there is racism is too easy. They abuse every player.

  22. For a long time I was unable to identify racism until I watched this video.
    If this would have tried this on the indigenous Dutch Negro named Beb Vuyk several Anglos would have walked away with Black eyes.
    Beb took no mess from White people attacking her braids and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about.

  23. Crazy.and controlling..what does there hair have to do with there performance..

  24. Whoever made the decision to remove those beads… YOU'RE SICK! It's unfortunate no hero's were available to help her. Just a bunch of followers. Sick.

  25. And old white folks like him are in all fields in the United States including medicine and nursing🤮🤮

  26. Those wearing their hair in dreadlocks ,i will go out on the limb and say they are not rastafarians.It's a hair style for them .For my limited knowledge on it Rastas won't cut their dreadlocks to play a sport

  27. Honestly, I'm in favor of athletes just refusing to go to certain PWI's. I'm not saying all PWI's by any means, but IOWA?? Yeah, just don't go.

  28. Just disgusting and disturbing how our hair, skin and just who we are as a people… our existence means we have to ALWAYS be treated as the “others”.!! I’m in my 30s, is it me or has this racial hostility taken an uptick since 2000 😔😔😔

  29. Why would you put up with this. Are they getting paid? They need yall more than u need them. Pathetic

  30. It's not about race, it's about hair 🤔? Scientifically speaking… One's ethnic origin determines the texture and composition as to each individual ethnic group separated by genetic markers which makes up the general ethnic group of people being labeled with a brand name identifying the racial group… Moreover, this is nothing more than a narcissistic psychological mind control tactic to affect the athletes performance and negatively influence outcome of the sporting event.🙈🙊🙉🦁👁️

  31. Haha People love my dreads. I only grow them on the top of my head and keep everything else short. To hell with sports if they don't want athletic people to compete if hair is a obstacle it sounds like a excuse.

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