How to keep the lead arm straight: Golf Swing Tips

Are you struggling to keep your swing straight, or at least your lead arm?

We have the perfect solution! In this edition of Data Driven, we showcase a new measurement with our optimotion technology that is now able to measure how much your lead elbow flexes during each golf swing.

Learn how to stay in control of your golf swing and track your progress with this groundbreaking new measurement. Tune in to find out how to make the most of your golf swing and golf practice and start your journey to becoming a better golfer today!

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  1. No way I can keep it straight and have been trying since I started playing golf 50 years ago.
    It just isn;t possible for me.

  2. This is good information for me as I constantly struggle with my takeaway.

  3. I am/was the player who gets the club right on the shoulder or very close to my body at the top of the swing and on the down swing. I tried to keep my lead arm straight but I found it was just collapsing at the top and bending. I have since tried getting my wrists to set the club earlier so I can stop the club head momentum at the top and just focus on keeping the arm straighter with a more compact swing. It seems already far more consistent but that's only hitting on a simulator.

    This video is great and really speaks to a lot of things happening in my swing! I will be doing these exercises daily! Thanks!

  4. Go Connie Go! So many of my students at GOLFTEC have the lead elbow flew problem and these are great tips.

  5. How youtube knows what I am thinking to search even before I do that??? Anyway great tip! Thank you!

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