10 Simple Ways to Get Over BAD SHOTS – Better golf guaranteed

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  1. I once read about a RAIN method. R = Recognize the result, I = Investigate the reason, A = Acknowledge the result, N = find your neutral; ground yourself and move on. It sounds weird but it works.

  2. I really failed at this yesterday. I wasn't playing well, but easily could've focused myself into a better round by letting the poor start go. At one point, I was intentionally playing the "wrong" shots because I'd convinced myself the round was lost. I had 5 pars in a row including 3 up and downs in a row, but was so down on myself I didn't even notice.

  3. You identified one of the many life lessons the game teaches us. It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you handle it. Your progress is off the chart and helping so many of us.

  4. I've always allowed myself to let frustration out, if I bottle it up I play worse. Just like you say though, when you get to your next shot focus on your process of hitting that shot and try to lock in on that. Yeah my mood doesn't magically improve but you can eliminate compiling errors in back to back shots muuuuuch better. Let's go playas

  5. Playa, this video and the Chong videos are some of the best content I’ve watched on your channel.
    Well done

  6. I started walking my rounds last year and recognized this gave me more time to think about my next shot and get more information about the course – it's a great point!

  7. When one becomes "a playa," one immediately starts to do what is necessary to improve, including following these excellent tips. 👊

  8. Me: “Brofessor, can I get a handheld pamphlet of all this information you’re providing?”

    Brofessor: “Brochure”

  9. Feeling rushed is a killer for sure. I normally play with a men’s group at my local course and no matter what I tell myself before the round, I end up feeling rushed from shot to shot. My goal is to get out more this spring and summer for late afternoon Roy da where I can walk and slow the F**k down. 👍🏻🏌🏻‍♂️

  10. I fully agree on walking vs carting.. I hate to rush to the next shot. I walk all the time so I have more time by myself to reflect on my actions/attitude.

  11. Knew about TW's 10 Step so I already use that but some of the other tips I would have never thought of! Thanks playa!! Will try these out this weekend!

  12. I'm gonna play a round tomorrow and pretend I'm Teaski. I may not break 80 but I know I'll have fun.

  13. Matt, thanks. I’ve already watched twice and will need to watch a more. I struggle with not letting go. This is great advice. Now all I need to do is Practice What You Preach!

  14. Love walking on the course for that exact reason, don’t really focus on the bad shots

  15. The best thing about a bad shot is being creative about the next shot. Although playing from the bottom of a lake is problamatic……

  16. You have to 10 yards to fume over that botched iron approach wasting a good drive. "FUCKing fuCK!!!

    Once you're out of that box, next shot. Enjoy life. lol

  17. The best set of simple common sense options to erase bad shots and negative thinking when chasing the pill .nice one wadda playa !

  18. I'm going to pretend I'm Golf Sidekick when I'm next on the course. Hopefully with the birdie music too.

  19. I never clicked on a GSK video so fast. 😂

    Learning how to enjoy golf when I’m not playing well is the skill I want to learn above all others.

  20. One thing I like to do if I roll one off the back of the green or hook a drive in to the weeds is tell myself “ I’ll make par from there or thats 90% up and down, etc. Even if I know it’s probably three out of 10 chance I get up and down, the positive mindset gets me up and down 60% of the time. No room in Golf for pessimism.

  21. When I am at my most relaxed (and playing as good golf as I can reasonably expect), I will often have a song in my head that I mentally sing (not actually sing, no one needs to hear that). The distraction of the song helps prevent the pre-planning of the scorecard and subsequent apocalyptic results when I start to think how low will I go.

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