Vice Drive Golf Balls – A Mid-Handicapper Review

It’s time for another review of one of the Vice golf ball range. I’ve already covered their four piece Pro Plus model and this their two piece DRIVE. As always with my golf ball reviews, it’s just me, a mid-handicapper playing three holes (par 3, par 4 and par 5) and giving my honest opinion on the performance. No gadgets, no ball data, just a purely unbiased opinion

If you don’t know who Vice are, they are a German company who only sell online and the more you order the more of a cost break they offer per dozen.

I was lucky enough to receive these DRIVE balls to test courtesy of Golfhacker magazine. This is a fantastic online magazine aimed at you and I, the average golfer and their articles are very much geared around this than the pro game.

If you like this review, check out my other videos, and please subscribe to the channel. Give the video thumbs up (Youtube loves a thumbs up!) and leave any comments in the comments section you have about Vice Golf balls, the channel, Golfhacker or anything else and I’ll make sure I respond.

VIce Golf (UK site)
Vice worldwide

Golfhacker Magazine –